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  1. silo66

    High School in Canada

    I see. Thank you :) A few more questions: Would school arrangements have to be made before she applies for the visa? (I know this is the case for post-secondary education but I couldn't see a clear answer on the CIC website for high schools.) Can she apply to any high school in the area where...
  2. silo66

    High School in Canada

    Hello, I currently have PR and live in BC. My sister is interested in coming and living with me and would like to go to high school here. Would applying for a student visa the best way of doing so? And would it be a problem that she's away from our parents and living with me? Thank you!
  3. silo66

    Bank Statement Translations?

    I got my COPR as of yesterday so I wanted to update this thread in case anyone else faces a similar situation as mine. Like I said, I couldn't get the 6 month average from my bank, and not only that, my main source of funds was a gift from my family that had been in my account only for about 2...
  4. silo66

    Proof of funds - declare all?

    Thanks! I've read most of those threads. Even started one myself on the same subject but I still wasn't satisfied hence the new thread. :) I'm disclosing where the money came from in the form of a letter from my father, the transaction receipt and putting the transaction details in my LoA. I...
  5. silo66

    Proof of funds - declare all?

    Hello all, For my PoF, I got an official letter from my bank listing all my accounts and all the other necessary details except for the 6 month average. They say no such document exists. Go figure. So instead I will be attaching my account activity to my application. My question is: I have a...
  6. silo66

    Application Cancelled - Missing PCC

    Thank you all. I feel a bit better already. I'm hoping to receive my PCC this week and if I do, I will submit a CSE like you said Asivad. In the meanwhile I'll be creating a new profile tonight. But since the last draw was only last week, I guess there won't be any new draws for at least...
  7. silo66

    Application Cancelled - Missing PCC

    I just received an update from CIC saying that my application has been cancelled because of a missing PCC. I was supposed to provide 3 PCCs. 1) For my main country of residence where I've lived for longer than 20 years. 2) UK 3) US, where I stayed during university I provided the first two...
  8. silo66

    My experience of the whole process

    Thanks for sharing your story and congrats! You're so right about the forum anxiety. This forum is immensely helpful but can also be scary. Posts like yours remind me to take everything I read with a grain of salt. :) I was wondering, what documents did you submit for your freelance experience?
  9. silo66

    Freelance work proof

    No, I was working as a graphic designer. My employer didn't want to hire anyone on a long-term contract so I worked as a freelancer on an hourly rate for a year.
  10. silo66

    Freelance work proof

    Hello all, I've worked for a whole year as a freelancer but I only had one customer. We had 3 month contracts (4 of them, totaling a little over a year) working full-time hours. I got a letter from this company with all the necessary requirements. (Hours, dates, descriptions etc.) Is this...
  11. silo66

    OOPNP Application Form --- Education History (Principal Applicant)

    To my knowledge, you're supposed to list only those credentials you get points for. So whatever you have on your ECA report that makes you eligible for OOPNP should suffice.
  12. silo66

    Address history - include school address?

    I looked at other threads but couldn't find a conclusive answer about this. Back home, my permanent address has been the same for the past 10 years but I've travelled abroad for university and came back home in between terms. When I was abroad I lived in school dormitories but since that...
  13. silo66


    Hi! I still haven't drafted mine but I'm in the same boat as I will miss the delivery of my report by a week or two. I think something like this would be fine: I am currently unable to include my FBI Police certificate with my application as it still being processed. I applied for an FBI PCC...
  14. silo66

    Bank Statement Translations?

    Thank you, that's what I'll do. I'll post an update here as to how things go. Fingers crossed. :)
  15. silo66

    Bank Statement Translations?

    Sigh. I just got back from the bank and asked them for a document either including my 6 month's average or one that lists my balance at the beginning of each month. They're adamant that no such document exists and they cannot provide anything for me. I guess I'm going to have to submit my...
  16. silo66

    Bank Statement Translations?

    Thank you very much for the detailed response Asivad. :) The thing is there HAS been a large transaction from my family this past week which is a gift that will cover the expenses of the immigration process. In fact, the foreign currency account the money was transferred to was just opened last...
  17. silo66

    Bank Statement Translations?

    Got it. I think I will use online prints in English since the numbers match the official letter I got from the bank. Another question is since the statements from the past 6 months are not an official requirement (at least it's not on my documents checklist), do I need to black out individual...
  18. silo66

    Bank Statement Translations?

    Hello, For my financial documents, I got an official letter from my bank which has my current balance on it along with an official document showing authorized signature samples (called a signature circular). They couldn't provide me with a document that shows my average of the past 6 months so...
  19. silo66

    New job after ITA - need documentation?

    Got it, thank you. To clarify, I will be removing those experiences from my work history, not personal history, right? And what about jobs I've mentioned in my profile pre-ITA (despite not getting any points from them)? To my knowledge, I can't modify any of the information I've provided in my...