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  1. T

    Shipping to Canada from Ireland/UK

    Hi, My wife and I are moving back to Vancouver from Northern Ireland shortly. We got our PR status in October 2015 but moved home to NI in December 2015 temporarily. I'm looking to know has anyone had any experience in shipping items from Ireland/UK to Vancouver and if so can they provide any...
  2. T

    Getting PR card mailed

    It does mazamilam - thank you very much!
  3. T

    Getting PR card mailed

    My understanding was that when you land for the first time you don't need to apply for a PR card it automatically gets sent to you within a certain time frame. I know a few friends who've had it dealt with through this way.
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    BOWP refund

    If I have my PR and have landed before my BOWP application has been looked at will I be able to get a full refund or is it a partial refund?
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    Getting PR card mailed

    Hi, I've just sent off my PPR to Ottawa so hopefully I should be receiving COPR soon. As far as I know the PR card gets mailed to us automatically after landing and is currently taking around 40-45 days. I will be leaving Canada for a couple of months shortly before this would be received. I...
  6. T

    Express Entry / BOWP / Implied Status

    I didn't even see this comment - HON TIR EOGHAIN!
  7. T

    Express Entry / BOWP / Implied Status

    OK. So if I get the AOR and send through my application for the BOWP before my visa expires can I continue to work while waiting for BOWP approval or would I have to stop working?
  8. T

    Express Entry / BOWP / Implied Status

    Thanks scylla. That's part of the reason why I'm pretty confused. I have read that IEC isn't eligible for implied status but I have two good friends that were able to get implied status with their IEC work permits so I'm not sure what the criteria is. I may chance my arm the same way they did...
  9. T

    Express Entry / BOWP / Implied Status

    Hi, First time poster - apologies as I'm sure this has already been talked about multiple times but I haven't been able to locate an exact answer to my personal situation. My girlfriend and I are on IEC working visas that expire mid August. We've just completed the EE profile and have 456...