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  1. IrisSphere

    PGP 2020

    I did the same thing :eek: The instructions say not to fill out the form more than once. I wonder if this will be common and they will overlook? or is it worth submitting it again? In my view it's not really a mistake, just a formatting issue.
  2. IrisSphere

    eTA deadline extended six months . . . BUT

    I know this may be debated here, but just to make sure i understand - does this extension essentially mean that PRs with visa-exempt passports may be able to board the planes under the old system without PR cards or PRTDs? My husband is still waiting for his PR card after more than 100 days...
  3. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR CARD - 2015 / 2016

    I dont think your ECAS would update about PR cards. Ours says application complete - and the last line says when you landed as permanent resident. Maybe this is for replacement PRs?
  4. IrisSphere

    PR Travel Document for a new PR?

    Sorry and one more question - there is question 13 that states: "Where there any terms and conditions applied to you at the time you were granted permanent residence or landed in Canada"? The CoPR has Condition 51.. So we would answer yes and provide those details in the bottom of the document?
  5. IrisSphere

    PR Travel Document for a new PR?

    Thank you so much for your answers.. at one point the processing time was 109 day :o I guess the only reason why I was asking is that the instruction guide has the following confusing verbiage: If you have been a permanent resident for less than five (5) years you must show that you will be...
  6. IrisSphere

    PR Travel Document for a new PR?

    Hi, thanks for the reply. 1. Yes, I know it's for outside of Canada - husband is spending time in Lima, Peru because of a temporary contract (and really only need the travel document because we are still waiting for the card). He already has tickets to return Mar 24 so he'd definitely use it...
  7. IrisSphere

    Will entering without PR card (but visa exempt) affect PR status?

    Update My husband entered Canada with relatively few problems - they did question him on why he left, etc but eventually let him go through (they took him to a separate room for questioning). However, we are now facing another issue as his PR card has been delayed (they requested new photos...
  8. IrisSphere

    PR Travel Document for a new PR?

    Hi All, Hope this is the right place to post this! My husband landed Nov 10, and after waiting 100+ days for the PR card, we just received a request for new photos (*angry screams..*). However, the issue is that my husband has to travel frequently for work, and will need to apply for the PRTD...
  9. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR CARD - 2015 / 2016

    Thanks, we actually did receive the email (an agent forwarded it to us), so will be definitely sending the photos as soon as possible. Crossing fingers it doesnt take another 4 months..
  10. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR CARD - 2015 / 2016

    We are in the same boat (like a lot of people) that landed Nov 10 and only now received an email requesting new photos. My husband is on a contract that makes him travel every month, and without timelines for resubmitted photos he may need to apply for more than 1 travel document :-X >:( This...
  11. IrisSphere

    Need to resubmit PR Photos - can we send from outside Canada?

    Thanks for the reply - and yup, they assured us the card was Approved :o ! Unfortunately we were only given a PO box from CIC, and couriers cant deliver there as far as I know, so think him sending to me directly would be ideal. Good to know the photos can be from abroad (i only asked because...
  12. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Any idea how long it takes after resubmitting the photos? I've heard a few accounts - from 2 weeks to 4 months.. hope its the latter. We are about to do the same this week (just got the email yesterday night). Also for those that sent photos after the request, do you just attach the email in...
  13. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    4 months to get the revised card?? That's insane. I saw somewhere else it might take 2 weeks for production, hopefully its closer to that than 4 months.. incredible.
  14. IrisSphere

    Need to resubmit PR Photos - can we send from outside Canada?

    Hi all, Like many others that landed in Nov 2015, we've been waiting forever for the PR card. Even after numerous calls, and assurances that the card was "in production" and "approved", we just now got a letter stating we need to resubmit the photos. The problem is my husband has been hired on...
  15. IrisSphere

    PR Card Photo Taken Outside Canada

    Would be curious how this works out for you.. We just got the letter as my husband was on the plane waiting to go to a consulting assignment for the next 3 weeks. I'd rather not wait until he returns for the pictures (and then wait longer for the card), so would appreciate any insights or...
  16. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    The exact same thing happened to us. After a week ago hearing that the card is approved, and in production we got an email that new photos have been requested.. This is incredibly annoying as my husband (the PR) needs to travel for work and will need to apply for the travel document (and who...
  17. IrisSphere

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    It's 105 days since we are waiting for the PR card - husband landed at Pearson Airport on Nov 10. We called a few times without any info. Now that the times dropped to 39 days they finally confirmed the card has been approved and sent to production. I read through the thread and sounds like it...
  18. IrisSphere

    Will entering without PR card (but visa exempt) affect PR status?

    Well, it's been a few months but I believe that was the date (we were thinking of travelling for New Years so i was curious on that). In any case, the number of days now is 105 so the agent said it doesn't matter what it was when he landed, they only honour the current time frame. In terms of...
  19. IrisSphere

    Will entering without PR card (but visa exempt) affect PR status?

    That's great - thanks for the quick reply! I was hoping you'd chime in as I believe you went through something similar? He never had an issue with Air Canada before (like when he arrived to technically live here while waiting for his PR), but suppose we can always buy a refundable return ticket...
  20. IrisSphere

    Will entering without PR card (but visa exempt) affect PR status?

    Hi Everyone, Hope someone can offer their thoughts on below. My husband has an Italian passport and is a landed PR as of November2015 but still without his PR card.. He bought a ticket to visit his family for a week leaving Feb 15 returning Feb 23. Because he is from visa-exempt country, and...