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  1. F

    February 2014 PNP applicant that already submitted their application to NS CIO

    Congratulations! My two other friends got DM yesterday. February 13th Applicants.
  2. F

    February 2014 PNP applicant that already submitted their application to NS CIO

    It's my wish the wait is over by June ending. I'm praying for you all. This has really affected me and my family alot but God is in control.
  3. F

    February 2014 PNP applicant that already submitted their application to NS CIO

    Hello all February Applicant in the PnP category: I applied on Feb 25, 2014 and after the long wait (but you folks constant updates kept me sane), I got Decision made last wednesday and on thursday, I got an email saying Ready for Visa. Hang in there folks! There's light at the end of the tunnel.