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  1. Anii

    Pre landing help

    thanks for ur kind reply. I also want to know how Would i be able to have my pr card and health card after 3 months as a newbie i wont b able to provide any adress to immigration officer . Can we collect it persinally from any office
  2. Anii

    Pre landing help

    hello all. By grace of WAHEGURU JI we have got visa. M planning to land in late nov or early December. My question is that can i go to vancouver though my city of destination mentioned in copr is brampton. As my kid is small and it Would be harsh winter in toronto so m planning to land in...
  3. Anii

    search for accommodation after landing

    I'm planning for Ontario. I shortlisted waterloo city. How should i look for accommodation there online. Pls help me with links. Tjanks in advance
  4. Anii


    thanks for reply.
  5. Anii


    Hello all, though i dnt belong to this thread but need some guidelines from seniors I Would like to share my query, i hope u guys will throw light on my situation I got rprf pcc request in early august this year, i also submitted my newly born childs documnents and fees as per vo guidelines...
  6. Anii

    CAIPES................FREE OFFER

    Hello all, I Would like to share my query, i hope u guys will throw light on my situation I got rprf pcc request in early august this year, i also submitted my newly born childs documnents and fees as per vo guidelines. They also released my childs medicals which was done and updated as passed...
  7. Anii


    Hello all, I Would like to share my query, i hope u guys will throw light on my situation I got rprf pcc request in early august this year, i also submitted my newly born childs documnents and fees as per vo guidelines. They also released my childs medicals which was done and updated as passed...
  8. Anii

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Hello all, I Would like to share my query, i hope u guys will throw light on my situation I got rprf pcc request in early august this year, i also submitted my newly born childs documnents and fees as per vo guidelines. They also released my childs medicals which was done and updated as passed...
  9. Anii

    I Recieved PR Medical. After medical, how long it will take to get PR?

    Hello, as per trend now a days its taking time for vo to issue further updates, if ur verification is dine u can expect things early. U hvnt mentioned any timeline and visa office of urs. Its all luck ... ppl at vo r getting slow now a days. Hope for the best soon. TRUST THE GOD
  10. Anii

    Re: FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi At time of my medicals i informed vo about my wifes pregnancy, they provide me guidlines how to add new born to the file . In order to allow us to continue you application you are requested to submit the following items in one package: -- certified copy of your child's birth certificate...
  11. Anii

    Applying for new born passport as a PR holder

    Ya i have updated all required documents and git confirmation mail from their side that child is added to my application. Medical of child has also been done last month, i also raised an enquiry asking them if theres any other documents i need to submitt, their reply is awaited
  12. Anii

    Applying for new born passport as a PR holder

    Thanks. Got rprf before receiving medical forms of new born . Got medical forms on mycic account of mine not via seprate email but no mention of any submission of updated pof there too. Gud luck for ur process too Thanks . Good luck to u too.
  13. Anii

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    Hello all Though my visa office is warsaw but m posting this msg here to have expert opinion of u guys as my corcern is common to all vo. i have not been asked for any updated proof of fund by wvo after my baby has been added to my application i submitted processing fee... they issued medical...
  14. Anii

    Applying for new born passport as a PR holder

    Hello all i have not been asked for any updated proof of fund by wvo after my baby has been added to my application i submitted processing fee... they issued medical of the baby and still didnt asked for pof. M waiting for ppr. Rprf and pcc hav been submitted 45 days ago. M bit concerned...
  15. Anii

    Re: FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hello all It wud b great if someone pls answer my query We were family of 3 when applied and we got Blessed with a baby boy on 14th july this year. I updated all his docs with wvo and got his medical on 25th August We r also done with our medicals back in may this year I want to know that i...
  16. Anii

    Re: FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hello. We were family of 3 when applied and we got Blessed with a baby boy on 14th july this year. I updated all his docs with wvo and got his medical on 25th August We r also done with our medicals back in may this year I want to know that i got medical request for my baby but no updated pof...
  17. Anii

    FSW2014- Adding new born

    Hi I just added my new born son to my file. Its been 20 days since i hv submitted his required documents withs wvo. But hvnt heard anything from them regarding my sons medical. One more query i have, will cic ask for pof along with my sons medical mail as i showed funds for family of 3 in 2014...