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  1. S

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    We are asking his employer to get a PLMIA from the ESDC, which is free and apparently has a fairly fast turnaround. Hopefully it will speed things up!
  2. S

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    Yes. He is a professional technician with 20 years experience, 3 years of which are here in Canada and just because he is an Intra-Company transfer we lose out on the points. Even if you only get 600 if you have LMIA, he should get something for being gainfully and permanently employed surely...
  3. S

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    I know we are still eligible but EE not recognizing his job hits our score hard and we are much less likely to be selected for an invitation with a lower score. I don't understand why there isnt a section where you can say LMIA exempt or explain that you are a transfer. Can we still apply under...
  4. S

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    Hi I don't know if you have already covered this but, my husband was transferred to Canada by the UK branch of his company and as such he does not require an LMIA. He filled out his EE profile but it keeps saying that he is not employed and requesting that he set up a Job bank profile. There is...