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  1. J

    OCI application

    Hi, I am going to be applying for an OCI card for my child who is 8 months old. Do I have to first apply online and then take a printout and apply in BLS office? IS there anything specific that I should keep in mind or any document that is needed apart from the birth certificates, marriage...
  2. J

    Time frame for receiving stamped passport

    Hi, I recently got a request to submit my passport and my express entry application shows approved. I submitted my passport 2 weeks back. How much time does it take to receive the passport? I reside in Toronto and I know holidays are coming up so I wish I get it soon. Is there any way that I...
  3. J

    Passport request

    Hi, I got an email from CIC requesting my passport for confirming my PR. I have only 3-4 months left in my current passport. Since I am residing in Toronto , do I need to renew my passport and then submit it? Thanks Jayson
  4. J

    Express Entry-CEC

    Thanks for that info. Since I applied under the CEC, my bank balance should not be a problem right?
  5. J

    Express Entry-CEC

    Hi, I submitted my application on June 10th under the Canadian Experience Class along with a dependent( my wife). It's almost 6 months and till now, the only update is that our medical has been passed. Now, I am thinking that since I showed my wife's Indian experience (3 years), maybe it is due...
  6. J

    Regarding Police Clearance

    Hi, I have a question about the Police clearance document required for Express entry. I know i need to get a Police clearance from India(as I am an Indian) and Canada(Currently residing in). I have lived in Kuwait for more than 6 months and this was 10 years back. Do i still need to get a police...
  7. J

    Regarding Dependent Work Permit

    What is an SOWP? Can you tell me the approximate processing time? Thanks
  8. J

    Regarding Dependent Work Permit

    Yes full time. NOC Level B
  9. J

    Regarding Dependent Work Permit

    Hi, I am an Open Work Permit holder and I recently got a job in Toronto. I would like to know if I my wife can apply as a dependent work permit holder. Please do let me know the steps regarding this. Thanks Jayson
  10. J

    Dependent Visa

    Hi, I am in Toronto on a Post Graduate Work Permit. I would like to know how can I apply for a dependent visa for my spouse. Thanks
  11. J

    Temporary Resident Visa

    Hi, I have applied for my Post Graduate Work Permit and I would like to know how can I apply for a Temporary Resident Visa and what would be the processing time. Thanks
  12. J

    Dependent Visa

    No I don't have a job yet.
  13. J

    Dependent Visa

    Hi, I have recently applied for a Post Graduation Work Permit. Can anyone please help me on how can to apply for a dependent visa for my spouse who is in India. Thanks Jayson
  14. J

    Extension of study permit

    hi, Can someone tell me how many months extension can I get if am extending my study permit?? Thanks
  15. J

    number of years work permit

    hi, i am planning to do another one year program in addition to the one year program I am doing now and this program is different from the program I am currently doing. How many years of work permit am I eligible for?