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  1. Alreadyhere

    English translation of Degree Certificate

    Here: http://www.docsbase.ca/ People on this forum use them and we tried too. I don't know what diploma is yours, mine was $83 with transcripts and all notes and notary
  2. Alreadyhere

    Translation DocWorks.ca and Docsbase.ca

    I used those http://www.docsbase.ca/ If it is for residency questionnaire, go straight to Jason or Alex. They seem to be senior guys there and should be able to help. I personally worked with Jason and he seemed to ask a bit too many questions initially until he fully understood what was...
  3. Alreadyhere

    Translation of bank statements

    Which program are you applying for and from which country? Chances are you would no need to translate lots of pages of documents. Try contacting these guys in Toronto: http://www.docsbase.ca/ there are many discussions on forum and they seem to be the cheapest ones
  4. Alreadyhere

    The cheapest stamps translation office in GTA

    Yes. Always ask translators for certification. There are many those on kijiji who are doing cheap work and hope for the best without any certification
  5. Alreadyhere

    The cheapest stamps translation office in GTA

    Babiah, you're wrong. I have used those http://www.docsbase.ca/ - excellent service and +++++1 for cost. We used them 2 times: for drivers abstract translation for my husband and for passport stamps. In all cases we compared prices. Much cheaper than anyone
  6. Alreadyhere

    where and which websites I can use to hire underrepresented groups

    Use jobbank. We have had the similar issue with kijiji and craigslist. Jobbank is open to everyone and it's highly recommended to use it
  7. Alreadyhere

    Subsidiary company in Canada

    Yes, it is possible, of course. What is the purpose of opening it? Are you planning to relocate to Canada or is it just a foothold in North America?
  8. Alreadyhere

    PR eligibility through a below cad 100,000 budget business business ?

    No, not really. But if your total assets exceed $300.000 CAD you may qualify for provincial business immigration
  9. Alreadyhere

    Need help Guys!!!!

    No, not necessarily. There's an option to get work permit at the border. You may get work permit after your employer includes you in LMIA and you request word permit at Canada/US border
  10. Alreadyhere


    if you are submitting it to EE system, copy is enough
  11. Alreadyhere

    tax payment before or after assessment

    ++1 you have to pay by the deadline, not after the assessment comes
  12. Alreadyhere

    Cheap car insurance in toronto for newcomers?

    I got $182.11/month for my Chevvy SUV 2013 from FSB (first insurance brokers) in Toronto. I am a new driver with the recent G2. Is it a good price?
  13. Alreadyhere

    renting a house in North York

    I was in the same situation with my hubbie when we landed in Toronto and we ended up paying 4 months in advance. I'd say it was 50/50 factor: our commitment to pay and realtor's persuasion played role
  14. Alreadyhere

    Can a PR under Federal Skilled Worker program own and work for his business ?

    Yes you could. There are absolutely no restrictions
  15. Alreadyhere

    Which bank to open account in

    I do not know that person's thoughts on RBC, but I would also stay away from them. They're known as being immigrants' bank with poor service. Might be just a prejudice though. I would say TD is the most convenient one if you would need your bank to be open after regular hours. From credits point...