any one planing to move from ontario for second year course to any other province for permanent residence please contact +16476074953 we will make a whatsapp group
any one planing to move from ontario for second year course to any other province for permanent residence please contact +16476074953 we will make a whatsapp group
task 2
introduction : should include
1. general line for topic
2. rephrasing of question
3. your own view point
4. that two points that you are going to describe in your body paragraph 1 and 2
body paragraph 1 : should include
1. connective links
2. your first point
3. explanation of...
any rental location near moawak and confedration college in toronto ? please reply if any 1 have ? i am from punjab india and i will come to canada in september 2015 may be 1 or 2 months earlier