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Search results

  1. L

    Second IEC from australia.

    Awesome, do we know what it is now? Or should I reaply now?
  2. L

    Second IEC from australia.

    Thanks PMM. But do you have any information on when I can apply for my final participation while on the last leg of my first and current IEC
  3. L

    EE on IEC skilled

    So I have a question. Don't worry I tried to find a good answer first. I have just rolled over one year work experience in a skilled trade while on a IEC from Australia. Now it says valid job offer, but looks like I need lmia. Since I am on the IEC program and can still currently work, and...
  4. L

    Second IEC from australia.

    Good morning. I am on my first IEC (Aussie passport) 24months exp August 2015. I am under the impression from research that I can have one more go at IEC soon as my current one is up. My question is when do I apply for my second one. AUG 4th 2015 is my WP end date. I would like to do it as...