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  1. R

    Staying with spouse in foreign country until application accepted

    Hello again! My wife and I are considering to stay in Korea while her application is processed and go to Canada together or have me go a few months before her application would probably be accepted to prepare for her arrival. We were previously planning on having me go to Canada shortly after...
  2. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    Thanks for the tips! We have tons of pictures to chose from too, but I'm glad to see some numbers coming out from people. Looks like around 20 to 50 is a good number. I'm curious how many pages all your chat logs were after they were all printed out? I don't think I can afford the cost to print...
  3. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    I like that idea, maybe we'll do that. We definitely can't include all the logs as that's over 4 years worth! But a sample from each month seems reasonable to show continued communication and a small note saying we'll provide more if they ask. Thanks for the tip! :) Thank you for the tips...
  4. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    I see. Maybe we should include some logs of our messages. We used a very similar app to WhatsApp for most of our communication. So we could always print some logs off for proof. I suppose we could just submit without complete communication and hand it over if they contact us back asking for more...
  5. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    That's a good point and I'm glad to hear it. I was actually thinking of doing the same thing. I have tens of emails that are just chat log backups. Maybe we'll do something similar to what you did. Maybe with a single screenshot of one of the chat log's, just so they can see what's in each...
  6. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    Great, I'm glad you read about your experience too. Maybe we'll look at doing the three envelope thing too. It seems staples and even paper clips aren't wanted. Did you also not use staples or paper-clips? So for your photos you basically put them in a word document and then printed out the...
  7. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    Thank you for sharing your experience! We're submitting from Korea but Korean applications go to the Manilla office. So maybe we'll have a similar experience. :) I'm a little surprised about not sending any other evidence though. I remember specifically seeing emails, letters, phone records...
  8. R

    Application packaging and proof of relationship

    Hello! My wife and I are currently preparing our PR application for my wife to come to Canada and I have a couple questions! How did you organize all your documents? There's a lot of documents to send so I'm curious what the best way to organize might be. I've seen examples of people just...
  9. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Great! Thank you for the information. We'll do just that. :D
  10. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Great! Thank you so much again for your replies! Translations Then I won't bother with the further approval of translated documents. But when searching for translation services, do I have to find one that is specifically approved by the Canadian government? The CIC website seemed to say that...
  11. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Thank you floomy and Rob_TO! I feel much better about the medical checks now. About the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I asked the Canadian consulate in Korea about translators and they told me I may need to go to the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get translated documents further...
  12. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Thank you for your quick reply! :) 1. Great! I couldn't find any specific information on the medical check. What will we have to tell the hospital we need when we go there? Is there a specific name for the medical check? I did read that the hospital won't give us the results, but rather send it...
  13. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Thank you for all your help! I've been very inactive, but we're planning on starting the application process ASAP and I just wanted to be sure about a couple things: Medical checks for family members I know I've already asked this, but re-reading the CIC documents again and again makes it...
  14. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    I just thought up a couple more questions. 1. For Korean citizens, we have to provide a few extra documents I just want to make sure about. Are these Korean translations correct? Family Relation Certificate = 가족관계 증명서 Old (deleted) Family Census Register = 호적등본 2. Another document we have...
  15. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Thank you for your response! :) Your answers make me feel a lot better. :) I'm worried about making a mistake or not including enough information and then having the application significantly delayed or just outright denied. 1 & 2. I'll talk to my accountant before doing anything with CRA...
  16. R

    Korea to Canada Spousal Sponsorship

    Hello! My wife and I are starting to prepare for our permanent residency application and we have a few questions. But first, I'll give a bit of information about us. I'm Canadian by birth and my wife is Korean. We've been together for over 2 years and just married last month. We don't have any...
  17. R

    Will non-residency for tax purposes cause problems with an application?

    Oh, that's great to know! Thank you for letting me know. :)
  18. R

    Will non-residency for tax purposes cause problems with an application?

    Thank you for your help. :) If I can get proof of employment, that would be the best-case. But I'm worried I won't be able to get employment before her application is approved or until the last legs of the process. If sufficient proof isn't given with the initial application or supplied before...
  19. R

    Will non-residency for tax purposes cause problems with an application?

    Thank you for your tips! Just out of curiosity, what kind of proof did you provide you show your intent to return to Canada? I read something like proof of a job or a letter from family/friends outlining they know my plan and that it includes going back to Canada, as well as my own plan. I'll...
  20. R

    Will non-residency for tax purposes cause problems with an application?

    Hello all, I'm a Canadian citizen living in South Korea, working as an English Teacher. I'm working with my accountant back home to file my taxes. I want to declare non-residency to be exempt from paying taxes on money I earned in Korea as I already pay Korean taxes. I want to know if there...