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  1. W

    AOR and BOWP

    I called CIC and the maximum time it can take to get second AOR is 18 weeks. It seems like most people are getting them by 10 weeks approximately, but it can vary.
  2. W

    EE applied as CEC need AOR for BOWP - PGWP exp. August

    Would they at least change the status of my "Review of Eligibility" to 'passed' on MyCIC?
  3. W

    EE applied as CEC need AOR for BOWP - PGWP exp. August

    Conor9900 - My lawyer advised that I need to wait for the 2nd AOR. I guess there is a difference between a "notice" and a "letter" form of AOR. The notice is the electronic automatic AOR and the letter is something else.
  4. W

    EE applied as CEC need AOR for BOWP - PGWP exp. August

    Thanks. There are 67 days between my application submission and my PGWP expiration. I guess I'll be holding my breath.
  5. W

    Help Please - AOR for BOWP

    There is a point for those of us who are in Canada working and with a work permit expiring. I get the joy of paying $255 (if I'm lucky) so that I can be on implied status and still work while they process my BOWP.
  6. W

    EE applied as CEC need AOR for BOWP - PGWP exp. August

    Background/Sob story - Skip this part if you don't care I am in Canada on a Post-Graduation Work Permit(PGWP) which I received in August of 2012. It expires mid-August 2015. I started my Canadian Experience Class(CEC) application for PR at the end of 2013. In early 2014, ready with all of my...
  7. W

    436 No ITA yet, PGWP expires August, can I extend my WP after I get AOR?

    I was one of those people who (erroneously) was eligible for FSW in the last round and got an ITA for the wrong class as I'm actually only eligible for CEC. I denied my ITA and changed my profile to be more accurate. My job offer is not supported by LMIA and I have less than $11,000 in funds...
  8. W

    436 No ITA yet, PGWP expires August, can I extend my WP after I get AOR?

    This is very similar to my situation. I'm very curious about AOR and getting positive eligibility. I'm hoping to get an ITA for CEC soon. I have 507 points. Also my PGWP expires in August. What are the criteria for positive eligibility? Some people have said the AOR is enough for CEC others have...
  9. W

    Questions: For those EE profiles met both CEC and FSW

    This happened to me too. If you qualify for FSW go for it! To qualify you either need to have a job offer with an LMIA or provincial nomination or $12000 in the bank with proof that is has been there 3 months prior to your ITA. if you don't qualify for that, you should apply under CEC. It will...
  10. W

    Decline ITA under FSW because I don't have $11,900?? - Please Help

    Oh, thanks for this! So helpful. I declined my invitation :-X I changed my funds to $1000. I think I can safely say I have that much at all times. I said that I don't have a "job offer"... what a misleading phrase. I'm currently employed and have been living in Canada for 5 years. My EE...
  11. W

    Decline ITA under FSW because I don't have $11,900?? - Please Help

    This exact same thing just happened to me. I don't have enough money for FSW and I told them that, but they sent me an ITA anyway. You have to prove you have it in the bank for 3 months also, so keep that in mind. If you apply for FSW (telling the truth about funds at your disposal) and get...