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  1. Dreamer.


    Thanks but this is just the beginning have to go a long way till I reach my goal...
  2. Dreamer.


    Hi Guys, Finally the long wait is over,just received my passport with visa today it took almost 30days to get back but glad it did with the maple leaf stamped on it,,planing to land very soon hope everyone of you hears good news soon..
  3. Dreamer.


    Dear Carl, Yes a person would still be considered admissible if have already taken treatment,and if the x-ray chest is very much clear.. from what i guess you have double bachelors degree,so 22points for that if single then just 20,10 points if you are below 49yrs of...
  4. Dreamer.


    [size=10pt] Dear Sunasir, As I mentioned above those diseases and certain conditions which will cause burden to health services may lead to rejection,as to condition which may cure with treatment may be considered for admission as I said people diagnosed with certain...
  5. Dreamer.


    Dear Sunasir, While submitting my documents my agent also asked me to submit last six months payslips which i didn't but that didn't effect my application ,anything that mentions your salary is enough they just want to see if you are being paid as they will only count that your...
  6. Dreamer.


    Hi, Yup you got the 22points you would need,any sort of diploma after MBBS makes you eligible for the extra 2 point but only if you have the certificate of completion.
  7. Dreamer.


    Hi aamir and sunasir, Am from Pakistan(Baluchistan Specifically). well your single certificate from your EDO will be more then enough,working and showing a letter from a single place is better then showing you worked in many places like me...
  8. Dreamer.


    CONGRATULATIONS DREAMER WHAT R UR TIMELINES?AND WHICH VISA OFFICE U APPLIED? Thanks.. My timeline is already mentioned under my user id.. It took me some time but the delay was from my side..
  9. Dreamer.


    Hi Guys, Nice to see so many doctors all in a single thread,,have been a long silent reader in this forum.. But finally i couldn't help it and the ice broke just sent my passport few days back for visa stamping hope to see you all at MCCEE wish you all the best...