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  1. B

    Against company policy to write an employee reference letter?

    Yeah. My previous employers are American companies. Regal said that "it's against policy to issue reference letter", while my other employer than I am reaching out to for a reference letter has said ok. The company hiring me is Canadian and they are giving me my paperwork to attach to my...
  2. B

    Against company policy to write an employee reference letter?

    Thank you for the quick response. I'm waiting on the Canadian company to email me my offer letter and I have already included my pay stubs from my previous employers (3 pay stubs per company). The company is Regal Entertainment Group.
  3. B

    Against company policy to write an employee reference letter?

    I asked a past employer for an employee reference letter and he responded by saying that it was against company policy to write one and said that they can only direct future employers to an employment verification phone number that directs them to a website. What do I submit on my application...