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  1. A

    Just feel like venting

    I'm not sure if shortyp hates Canada or is living here just to hold some "status" in front of her family or if she likes to show how screwed and miserable her life is. In any of this cases it's hilarious how she suffers more than anyoneelse in the whole world. More then people from Syria, for...
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    About stamp on passport

    hey guys my process was finished, I've already landed but today I noticed something on my passport says "numbers of entry: one" why? I cannot leave the country and return?
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    hey guys in order to land every new immigrant with copr must fill a b4 and b4a form? I'm only carrying stuffs like clothes, my personal laptop and a video game.. maybe a cookie from my country do I have to fill out this forms? i'm kinda lost in here
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    Changing adress after landing

    As the topic says, I'm already landed through spousal sponsorship and now the wait for PR card begins. Due unnexpected reasons, my wife and I have to move to another adress and our former residency will no longer exists since it'll be transformed in a store or something like that and we won't...
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    i have the same question about csq prcessing time just appliead a week ago and nothing until now maybe midi is just as lazy as mississauga huh?
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    CSQ processing time

    hey guys i've applied for csq last week and can't find any (recent) info on how long it takes to - send to receive - csq how long they take in average to charge my cc and how long after they take?
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    LOST/MISSING medical exams

    Call your MP or redo medical. It's the only thing left to your app or there's something else like convicted or charged of some crime, problems with adoption, etc?
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    Spousal sponsorship

    I asked for the csq last week after sponsor approval how long it is taking nowadays? ty
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    Spousal sponsorship

    I asked for the csq last week after sponsor approval how long it is taking nowadays? ty
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    Changing adress

    Hello I've ordered CSQ last week and now my wife (sponsor) will change her adress ow wednesday. There's a way to change it or not? Tnks in advance.
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    so its 50-50?
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    but if I dnt have any signed paper with her and I dont wanna disclose this, they will be not able to discover that she was my girlfriend am I right?
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    ok ty if you know something about how could they discover it lemme know
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    if is there some way to they discover this without any paper signed please tell me
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    But that's exaclty the point! How they would proove that I lived with her and not alone?
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    Yes and I'm thankful for all the answers. I was just trying to understand how CIC could discover some like that if we'd never had a single bill togheter, not even the rental (her mother used to pay for us and my name was not included).
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    Yes I'm 100% sure of it I know you guys are trying to help me but please, "off forum", tell me your toughts I'm really scared about what my wife can do. She's visiting the psych nowadays and I don't wanna make a mess on her treatment
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    Ex girlfriend, help

    Can I be honest? Idk I'm just trying to discover what to do. My wife has bipolar disorder and almost kill herself when she just ask me her name once. I'm really scared That's why I'm asking if cic can discover What do you really think?