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  1. P

    My Unusual IEC Working Holiday Situation. Can I participate a second time?

    Thanks PMM. I was thinking there might be a loop hole with that statement, it seems a little ambiguous as there is an assumption that any applicants prior to 2013 would only have received a 12 month visa.
  2. P

    My Unusual IEC Working Holiday Situation. Can I participate a second time?

    I applied under the Canada IEC Working Holiday program for Ireland in May 2012 and received my welcome letter in July 2012. At that time Irish participants were only allowed to participate in IEC for a period of up to 12 months. My welcome letter was valid for one year from that date so when I...
  3. P

    Foreign work experience

    Thanks guys, I'm applying as spouse and therefore don't receive points for foreign experience, therefore I'm not going to list it. It's too much hassle obtaining reference letters for something when (A) I don't receive points and (B) CIC have not given any instructions that it is mandatory.
  4. P

    Foreign work experience

    Can anyone shed any light on this?
  5. P

    PR - Missing Employer Reference Documents

    Anyone contacted CIC about this? Is it misrepresentation by choosing not to include it at the Express Entry profile stage? Surely it's better not to seek points for something if you're not certain you can prove it later? Isn't there a section on personal history after you receive your ITA where...
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    Foreign work experience

    There does not appear to be any clear instructions from CIC regarding this issue. I can't find any information on the CIC questions and answers pages on how far back you should go when listing your work experience. Also it is not mentioned anywhere in the instructions that you must include "all"...
  7. P

    Foreign work experience

    So we are all in the same boat :-\ I have heard that after you get an ITA there is a separate section where you provide personal history from the past ten years inc education, employment etc so perhaps for work experience when setting up your express entry profile we only need to declare...
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    Foreign work experience

    I have the same question- is it a requirement to list all work experience or just that for which points are being claimed? For example, a spouse does not receive points for foreign work experience, therefore is it necessary to include it?
  9. P

    After receiving ITA what kind of documents need to get ready

    Susana, seeing as a spouse doesn't receive points for foreign work experience, would it make the process easier to just leave out the foreign work experience from the express entry profile? Is it a requirement to include it?
  10. P

    After receiving ITA what kind of documents need to get ready

    Thanks for clarifying zosya, that is my interpretation of the text too.
  11. P

    After receiving ITA what kind of documents need to get ready

    Can somebody please confirm, does a spouse need to provide references for foreign work experience or just Canadian? It's unclear from the information given in that link. Surely it would just be Canadian experience since no points are awarded to the spouse for foreign experience.
  12. P

    Class action lawsuit against CIC over lack of transparency re: CEC cap?

    CBC reporting today: A lack of transparency by CIC could lead to a class action lawsuit, says immigration expert 9:22 AM PT CBC News Citizenship and Immigration Canada is under fire for failing to tell permanent residency applicants that the program for which they were applying had met its...