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  1. M

    Inland vs Outland

    Outland visa office would be Paris...
  2. M

    Inland vs Outland

    We submitted and inland application in the summer of 2014 but with the processing times creeping up the way they are we are strongly considering submitting an outland application.... any advice? :-X
  3. M

    Stage 2 - Work Permit

    Does anyone know if applicants can apply for a work permit after receiving the AIP if they are out of status?
  4. M


    That may be the case, but for the cases i'm familiar with I haven't heard of CIC requesting additional medicals as long as they were not expired when they received them (i.e. the day your application gets to CIC and someone stamps a date on it). I'm only saying that based on the cases I know of...
  5. M


    What is a CSQ?
  6. M

    Applying In-land while out of status - possible???

    Please let us know what route you end up taking. We are in the same boat and just very recently applied for an inland application but the more I read on here makes me wonder if we should have gone the outland route. It's a complicated decision! :o
  7. M


    yes that is your AOR, make sure you keep that e-mail because it has your file # on it and it's your proof that you have a pending application.
  8. M


    You might want to call... You usually receive an e-mail acknowledgement of receipt within 2 months of applying.... but sometimes I guess it can take longer.... I would check though.... just to make sure that they received it...
  9. M

    Applying In-land while out of status - possible???

    I believe it was updated sometime in October 2014. I hope the call centre can provide an answer on this. Please let us know! :)
  10. M


    You should have received a letter acknowledging their receipt of your application by now....
  11. M


    It's fine as long as CIC receive your application before your medicals expire...
  12. M

    Lawyer Question ;)

    As someone already mentioned, lawyers do charge a flat rate for immigration applications and it will cost you roughly $5,000... maybe more depending what city you're in....
  13. M

    Applying In-land while out of status - possible???

    Yes, I agree its extremely confusing and frustrating. I've seen various other posts from other confused people and several have called the call centre and the agents had no knowledge about this "new" rule. Immigration lawyers also don't seem to know anything about it. I hope you have better luck!
  14. M

    Outland application while out of status?

    If applicant is in Canada and out of status is is possible to submit an outland application and stay in Canada while it's processed?
  15. M

    Hiring a lawyer for your application

    Just wondering what your thoughts are on having an immigration lawyer help with your application or if you submitted it by yourself? Is there any big benefit to having a lawyer?
  16. M

    OWP while Out of Status

    Ok Thanks! I read something about them potentially changing this on a change.org posting but I guess it doesn't seem to be the case :(
  17. M

    Applying In-land while out of status - possible???

    There is a lot of confusion around this. We are in the same situation, as far as I know you can still apply but it seems as though CIC are planning to change this in the near future so that you need to have status to apply inland. I'd apply as soon as possible if I were you and hope that they...
  18. M

    OWP while Out of Status

    Has anyone heard any recent news on whether or not people who are out of status can apply for the OWP pilot program while awaiting their PR application?