i sent an email..will give them time unitll Tuesday to update ECAS...
I have similar timeline to you...Oct 2nd, Doc request 10th of MArch , Med REquest 11th of MArch...,Meds done on 22nd...but no confirmation and no updates;/
i just emailed them for confrimation.
I called them 2days ago and they said that i have just wait...and when I said that in email there is '30days' to send the documents and that I need to know if the received them or not he said that he can't do anything;/
Hi all!
I'm October 2nd applicant and just now I received medical instructions for me and my spouse!
so they working on our applications:)
good luck and hopefully you all will get medical request soon!
I applied for WP for bth of us (I had WP before she had vistor visa). and now we both have open work permit.
also I got AOR 3days after we apply for BOWP.
there were also guys that they CC was charged and they got back an application...so the fact that yours CC was charged do not guarantee you that you will get AOR:/
you need to wait...
heh soooo close! They received my application Oct 2nd....and my WP expires tomorrow hehe
I'm sending today application for BOWP without AOR and I hoped that they will approve it! :)