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  1. S

    NOC 1123 December Applicants Thread

    Hi Friends! I've called CIO last week and asked about the 1123, she saw at the system and said that "apparently" is not reached and she couldnt find my app at the system. My app is from NOv 13th and I didnt have any news since then... So I think it is returning back to me. I have a friend of...
  2. S

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    Hi Friend... Thats ridiculous what he said, noc 1123 you can work for companies, contultant or agencies, 90% os the companies have their own MKT dept!!! Like my case, i've worked for 8 years in an american company on MKT dept doing exactly what they mentioned on noc1123 duties. I really dont...
  3. S

    NOC 1123 / 1111 / 2132 / 4011... Any one recent charging please update here

    No news from 1123?? I dont understand what is going on with this noc.... :(
  4. S

    NOC 1123 / 1111 / 2132 / 4011... Any one recent charging please update here

    Do you have any news? Charged at yet? I'm 1123 too... no news since December... :(
  5. S

    NOC 1123 CAPPED ?????

    I'm on the same situation... MY app is from NOv 13th and no news about that yet... No report from CC or PER since December... I'm very worried....:(
  6. S

    NOC 1123 Whats going on???? :(

    Hi Guys! Does anyone knows what is going on with the 1123 noc? There is no new charges since Octobers apps.... I'm really worried about that. MY app is from Nov 13th. I'm thinking the cap is full.... OMG... is that possible??? :( :o
  7. S

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi, Does any knows what is going on with the 1123 noc? It's very delayed and no charging since October... My app is from Nov 13th, I'm worried about that...:(