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Search results

  1. M

    Can't Find UK or GBR in "Territory of Issue" on Citizenship Application

    Ay I was shocked to see it there too. ;) But yes, they have Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England on there as the only options. I can't figure out how to upload a screenshot here but here is a link to the application: Citizenship Application I hadn't actually seen Burnistoun's Elevator before -...
  2. M

    Can't Find UK or GBR in "Territory of Issue" on Citizenship Application

    Hi All, I have a question to do with the Canadian citizenship application. This might be a really dumb question but I can't find an option for U.K. or Great Britain in their drop down menus. For my other applications (PR, TR, Student Visa) drop-down menus all offered the United Kingdom or...
  3. M


    Hello, I hope someone can help me with this... I graduated Brock University in June 2015, and received my Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in December 2015. I was informed by both a CIC agent and an agent from RECO that if I had a valid work permit I would be able to take the real estate...
  4. M

    need help - questions about PGWP

    Hello everyone, I will try to keep this as short as possible. I just have a few questions I am hoping someone will clarify for me. I have tried calling CIC many times to which they says they are experiencing an above average amount of calls and no agent is available to speak with me. 1. I...
  5. M

    Work Permit Question - Please Help!

    Hello, I hope this is the right thread to be posting this question on. I am currently an international student in Canada (with a British passport and study visa). I graduate from university in Ontario in April/May 2015 so would like to apply for a work permit to stay and work in Canada. I...