We have created Warsaw VO Grp those who want to join please send me Whats app msg with your real name and timelines. We already have 87 members. My whats app number is +919372857007.
Join us in Warsaw Visa Office Whats app Group. 55 Members are already there from many countries. most of them are NOV and DEC Applicants. send me msg on +919372857007 in case u wana join the group.
Join us in Warsaw Visa Office Whats app Group. 55 Members are already there from many countries. most of them are NOV and DEC Applicants. send me msg on +919372857007 in case u wana join the group.
Join us in Warsaw Visa Office Whats app Group. 55 Members are already there from many countries. most of them are NOV and DEC Applicants. send me msg on +919372857007 in case u wana join the group.
I am creating a NEW Whats app group for WARSAW POLAND VO. If anyone wish to join then please PM me your number or send me whats app msg mentioning your timelines on +919372857007.
Lets be in touch and help each other with ongoing VO updates.
I am creating a NEW Whats app group for WARSAW POLAND VO. If anyone wish to join then please PM me your number or send me whats app msg mentioning your timelines on +919372857007.
Lets be in touch and help each other with ongoing VO updates.
I am creating a NEW Whats app group for WARSAW POLAND VO. If anyone wish to join then please PM me your number or send me whats app msg mentioning your timelines on +919372857007.
Lets be in touch and help each other with ongoing VO updates.
Finally receive the Golder email PER :-) :) ;) :D ;D
App Date 11 Dec 2014.
DD Paid as per bank 10th Feb.2015
DD Paid as per PER 04th Feb.2015
PER received on 28th FEB.2015.
Good Luck guys those who are waiting to get charged and PER.