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  1. K

    my PGWP application still has been not finalized since Jan 5th

    Is there a reason why it's taking such a long time? on myCIC, the status is "Final decision has been reached" but "Not Started" right now. I've applied for PGWP about twice so far, not at once due to my passport expiration date, and it never took this long. Is there a chance that it will take...
  2. K

    My PGWP application has been refused, help me assessing the situation please.

    I've recently received a refusal letter as following: ================================================== This letter refers to your application for a work permit. Your application as requested is refused. Section 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act requires that all questions...
  3. K

    Has there been a change to PGWP application process?

    I'm trying to renew my PGWP (I still have 6-7 months remaining, I only got 1 year per time due to passport expiration dates) and the myCIC online procedure doesn't lead me to any PGWP related stuff but Working holiday, Youth Program and Internship/co-op related work permit. What happened? Am I...
  4. K

    My PGWP is expiring and would like to shift to Visitor Visa... Here's an issue.

    Thanks a lot for the heads up, I should've known better. Good thing I didn't apply for the Visitor's Visa yet :)
  5. K

    My PGWP is expiring and would like to shift to Visitor Visa... Here's an issue.

    I'd like to know what the wisest and logical choice is. Here's my situation: - My PGWP expires in the middle of December, 2014. I'm still eligible to apply for the rest of PGWP I have left, however, I'd like to change my status to a Visitor for the coming 6 months first, and then use up the...