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  1. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hi everyone! I got oath invite today!! For April 14. Wishing everyone the best. Sept 8, applied and passed test on March. Scarborough is super good & fast. Good luck!
  2. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    I did my test on March 3, since then waiting for oath. CIC officer told me that it will be in 3-6 weeks. Anyone has any idea when we will get the oath letter? My file is in Scarborough office!! :D Applied September 8. Anyone welcome to comments and good lucks.
  3. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hi everyone! Did my test!! Passed!!!! There were many failed. Do not depends on online quiz!!! It wasn't very easy, yet not so hard. So study and study the book. Waiting for the oath!! Good luck to all.
  4. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    I have test on March 3!! Any advice who recently took the test? Thanks. What are the Qs?? I'm going to Scarborough! How long does it take? What's the interview all about?? Anyone who knows the answers please reply! Thanks ;)
  5. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Anybody know what's the differen between pink and yellow or white test invitation means???? Please reply if you know! I heard pink is the best???
  6. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Thanks to all. I got my test invitation via canadapost!!!
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    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hi everyone!!! :) Great news!!! I got my test for March 3. Any advice for prepartion ?? Did Anyone recently taken the test? Applied on September 8 Dec 16 AOK Feb 18 invitation for test. Oak??? When???
  8. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Happy holidays to everyone!! Did anyone recieved thier invitation to go for test???? Please reply. When we will get our invitation ? Any idea? I heard August applicants are receiving thier test for Feb 2015?
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    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    I think you should wait for another 2-3 weeks. They may send AOR. If not by then, call the call centre and follow thier instruction. Good luck!
  10. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hello everyone please comment!!!! I'm glad most of us revived their AOR by now. Any idea when we will receive notice to go for test ???? Please answer based on your knowledge . I know it's hard to tell but do what you can! Thanks!! I am thinking! It might be spring!
  11. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Good news today!!! I received AOR and book today via Canada Post. This is the first time I heard from CIC since applied on September 8. Good luck to all.
  12. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hey everyone!! What does it mean when CIC says they are waiting for rcmp clearance???? Do they have to do this ? Any comment.
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    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    I called CIC. They told my application is in-process. They are waiting for police clearance? Any idea how long does it take? I applied on sept 8.
  14. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    I think you are right. CIC is working on September's application. No need to worry about. I think we are all safe. Good luck to all who reads and share thier time line.
  15. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Last name Reciept number D/OB Country of born. I hope this is helpful.
  16. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Sorry for late reply. I checked on CIC web.
  17. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Thanks everyone for your input. I checked ecase and found my application begin in process Nov 19? What's next? Any idea?
  18. A

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here. I like share my timeline. I pplied September 8 and was delivered on 12. I heard nothing from CIC. Any advice? What should I do?