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  1. J

    Caps Info

    Hi , Can anyone let me know of the Caps reached info? Thanks , PR
  2. J


    Hi.. Please Add my details : Please add my details: Application Sent: December 24th 2014 Delivered: December 31st 2014 Category: CEC NOC code: 2171 Payment: Bank Draft VO: CIO, Sydney NS Country of Origin: India Country of Residence: India PCCS: Submitted with File IELTS: Submitted with file.
  3. J

    Reference Letters

    Thanks for your reply!! I have a few doubts on this.. 1)If I provide the reference letters from my colleagues , can they be provided on a white paper as company does not provide letter head or colleagues does not have Business card. ? 2) How many colleagues's letters would suffice ? 3) I...
  4. J

    Reference Letters

    Hi All, Iam ready with all my application forms and documents , but I have not received the reference letter from my current employer. I have requested them the reference letter 1 month ago , but till now , there is no communication from them. I have tried to contact many times , but to no...
  5. J


    Hi Guys , The last update of the " no.of applications received " on CIC website was 26th November 2014. When is the next likely update , bcoz Iam keeping my fingers crossed now ,as I have yet to send the application.
  6. J

    Urgent - Indians Only

    I did not have Birth Certificate till 6 months ago. So I have applied for a Birth Certificate and they have issued ,where in , my name was also mentioned in that.
  7. J

    Mother's name not printed on Passport ..

    Hi , Iam from Hyderabad..India..going to apply for CEC next week. I have renewed my passport in 2011 , but unfortunately , my mother's name was not printed on the passport(it was printed in the expired passport). It was done erroneously by the Passport office. I have found out the same...
  8. J

    How to identify difference between Family Class and Economic class applications?

    Can anyone let me know how to identify difference between Family Class and Economic class applications ?
  9. J

    clarification required on photograph date-hyderabad

    Thanks for your replies!! However , it was mentioned in the Checklist that " on the back of five photographs,write the name and date of birth of the person who appears in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken . Leave the sixth photograph blank" .. So this means that I can write...
  10. J

    clarifications required on Generic Application and others

    Hi everyone, I would like to get the following clarified . 1) Is it Mandatory that the Generic Application form should be printed on a Bond Paperonly? I have read it somewhere like that , but I could not locate now where it is mentioned. 2) Is it mandatory to submit the reference letters of...
  11. J

    clarification required on photograph date-hyderabad

    Hi all, Iam from Hyderabad, Indis. I have visited a photo studio and shown the CIC specification of photos to the photographer, but he has informed me that the photograph taken date cannot be printed on the back of the photo .If this is the case, how shall I proceed ahead? Have anyone faced...
  12. J

    When is AOR given ?

    Hi All, I wil be sending my CEC application (under NOC A) on 1st December 2014 , so when AOR will be issued ? The limit reached under CEC as on today is 4480 out of 8000 overall limit, so what r the chances my application is considered in the balance limit ? Thanks , PR
  13. J

    Divorce after PR issuance

    Hi All , Can someone let me know what happens to the PR status of a spouse if the spouse is divorced during the process of the PR and /or after PR is issued?Even if the spouse is divorced when he/she will be in Canada, does spouse's PR hold good ? Thanks, Client ..
  14. J

    Documents list for spouse in CEC?

    Thanks for the info...
  15. J

    NOC code 2171

    Hi All, Can some one let me know if NOC code 2171 falls under NOC A ? If so, please inform if this has a subcap to apply under CEC ? Regards, Pradeep
  16. J

    Documents list for spouse in CEC?

    Hi All, Please let me know what all documents for a spouse are mandatory to submit under CEC category? As per the checklist , only birth certificate, passport copy and photographs are mandatory for the spouse . Thanks , Pradeep Hyderabad,India