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  1. C

    URGENT HELP - Spousal sponsorship withdrawal on Permanent Res. processing stage

    but it's hard to continue a relationship with so many problems arises especially long distance. I know it is a tough decision but I need to follow my mind not my heart. It is good to save a sinking relationship but I tried it so many times but still didn't work.
  2. C

    URGENT HELP - Spousal sponsorship withdrawal on Permanent Res. processing stage

    thanks MIke , I sent an email earlier to Embassy to withdraw my application. Although visa processing fee and PR Res. fee was being paid since 2013. I dont want him to continue his medical process because i don"t want him to come here anymore. So stressful part but I need to decide. I...
  3. C

    URGENT HELP - Spousal sponsorship withdrawal on Permanent Res. processing stage

    Good morning , Can I still withdraw my spousal sponsorship to my husband in the philippines?My spouse and I are having serious maritial issues and I no longer wish to support his application to become a permanent resident of Canada. He is on Medical stage of his application. Please...