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  1. V

    About citizenship test

    Thank R K Mehta! I am worring because my son is student of internetional University,he is now oversea / Europe /, and I would like his appearance only on the Outh ceremony
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    About citizenship test

    Hi PMM! Please help me to answer to my quetsion,only you can do it thank in advance
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    About citizenship test

    Hi everyone! I am citizen of Canada,and applied for citizenship on behalf of my minor son,who is permanent resident of Canada,and in the application time he was 17 years and 11 months old. Now,the application is "in process",and my son has already turned over 18 years. My question is:will he has...
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    About the citizenship test

    I am citizen of Canada,and applied for citizenship on behalf of my minor son,who is Permanentt Resident of Canada,and in the application time he was 17 years and 11 months old. Now,the application is in process. My question is will he have to write the citizenship test? Thanks in advance for...
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    B4 and B4a forms

    Please,tell me Where can I read about these forms: B4 and B4A ? Thanks in advance...
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    Canadian citizenship

    Hi,PMM and Anyone! Can the applicant, after his applying to Canadian Citizen, to move across Canada and to be theare and to come back by the time when will be the Ceremony of the Outh? Thank you,any answers is appreciated.
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    Canadian citizenship

    PMM,thank you very much.......
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    Canadian citizenship

    Hi everyone! I am Canadian citizen. My son,under 18 years old,probably to come in Canada,as permanent resident,in July ,2007. Can he apply to Canadian citizen's status at once after his arrival? Thank in advance for any answers.
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    parental sponsorship case of Sep 2004

    It mean that your application will review in orgder of receipt. I think so.....
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    UK - Medical Examination and Security Checks

    look at site: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medicalinfo.aspx?CountryID=18728&ProvID=&CountryName=England&ProvinceName=
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    PMM,please help me

    Hi PMM ! Now I am understanding what is the problem I have had. Thank you so much for your value advices and be well.
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    PMM,please help me

    Hi PMM ! 2.1 I came in Canada as refugee and I declared my family members/wife and two sons/ in "Background informatiom document IMM 5417 ", and in " Notification of claim to be confention refugee IMM 524? " ,and in " Personal information form for people claiming convention rafugee status IRB...
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    PMM,please help me

    Dear PMM! I want to get your advice for my problem.I submited my sponsorship application of family class/dependant child/ to CPC-M, and recieved acknowligwent letter,"process was started November 2,2006 ". Untill the decision was not made. How long should I wait? Now the application processing...