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  1. sidchowdray

    Letter for Expressing Intrest in a Province

    HI all Can some one share me the template letter for expressing interest in a province please
  2. sidchowdray

    0113 Purchasing managers

    0113 Purchasing managers 0 1225 Purchasing agents and officers B 1524 Purchasing and inventory control workers C please decide by urself
  3. sidchowdray

    Delay with Indian Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)!!!

    try contacting KOlkatta commissioners office , through some one
  4. sidchowdray

    Showing previous work experience but business not in operation now

    ask any of your previous bosses , if they could give a affidavit saying you worked , and with their contact number on the letter
  5. sidchowdray

    how to register with job bank?

    https://seeker.jobbank.gc.ca/seeker/login.xhtml enjoy ;)
  6. sidchowdray

    NOC 0113 Update December applicant

    no idea but hopefully it didnt fill
  7. sidchowdray

    What funds (Canadian dollars) does David Lopez have available to bring to Canada

    need to say around$12000 becz the exchange rate fluctuates
  8. sidchowdray

    How can I change my score on the spreadsheet?

    as u get young by a year they reduce 5 points....
  9. sidchowdray

    IELTS Query

    email IDP or brtish council you will get the correct info
  10. sidchowdray


    becz of my dumbass banke my credit card got decilend when they tried to charge my fees , as i applied in 2014 , the good immigration officer tired 3 times to charge me and procees my file , but due to transcation failure my application has been returned
  11. sidchowdray


    tell u all a small thing here , last year under the old rules not even 50% of people applied for the total applications, so do not panic ,eventually scores have to drop ,otherwise where are they going to reach the targets many NOC didn't even have 500 out of 1000 applications last December...
  12. sidchowdray

    Duration of keeping funds in the account as Proof of Fund

    if u going to sell something ,ask them to deposit in your account or transfer them to ur account stating that its of the sale of the item
  13. sidchowdray

    Doubt Predicting next draw is even possible

    as per this , there was no draw on April 11th http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/express-entry/rounds.asp
  14. sidchowdray

    IELTS lost exams

    nope , u have the time and date , and venue , show them the proof, becz reading , writing and listening are done on the same day