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  1. S

    Deferred admission to April 2015. Should I apply for Visa again?

    If any one had such experience before, please share about your experience here. It will be very helpful if anyone can post the links of similar topics or topics on landing at the POE in such situations. Thank you very much!
  2. S

    Deferred admission to April 2015. Should I apply for Visa again?

    @Kakkar I have applied for visa in July 2014, and was granted in the same month. It is valid for 2 years 4 months from then. But will VFS people be able to provide any information in this regard? Aren't they only a mediating agency?
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    Deferred admission to April 2015. Should I apply for Visa again?

    Hi! Thanks a lot for the reply. How do I get my visa extended? Since I've deferred my admission to April 2015, wouldn't I need a visa which will be valid for 2 years from then? Thank you!
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    Deferred admission to April 2015. Should I apply for Visa again?

    Hello all! I have deferred my admission from September 2014 to April 2015 term, and have got the deferral letter from the University. However, I have already obtained my Visa earlier in August 2014 for the September admission. I am wondering if I have to apply for a new Visa, or atleast inform...
  5. S

    Got Visa for September term 2014. Can I go for January term 2015?

    Hello everyone, I have got a student visa for the September 2014 term. However, I am unable to enroll, in view of a personal problem. I have requested for a deferral to January term. I am worried if I will be having any visa issues if I go in January. Should I be applying for a new visa? Will...