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  1. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Hi All, My journey at CIC has come to an end. I am now a Canadian citizen. I took my oath yesterday at 7pm - Elliston park. It was very straightforward. Judge, a couple speeches from very important people :) just absolutely beautiful! We said the oath out loud in English and in French. They...
  2. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    My timeline is similar to yours although my ECAS isn't updated with my test date or anything beyond that
  3. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Have you been invited for the oath ceremony?
  4. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Darbi, Unfortunately I didn't download any of the videos. Don't be scared. There are lots of videos online to help with studying as well as practice materials. I didn't pay for any study guides/guaranteed practice tests to pass and I passed the test. It's not frightening. All i can say is read...
  5. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    I wrote mine on June 9 and also waiting. My ECAs hasn't updated with anything, not even the test invite. All it says is in process and the last line is when they started processing my application. Let's hope everything goes smooth from here on
  6. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Zulfi, please don't be worried about the test. If you read the book and do practice questions online you will be fine. Please read the book I can't stress that enough. From the beginning to the end. Read it lol I did lots of practice tests on http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/...
  7. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    No worries! I also have travel plans and once my test was done, I wrote down the dates I would be away on the answer sheet. They tell you to do so right before you right your test.
  8. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. They tell you to write down any travel plans you have within the next upcoming months on your test answer sheet and they say they will try to accommodate your plans. So don't stress over it. You'll be fine.
  9. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Everyone, Please sign this petition https://www.change.org/p/hon-chris-alexander-pc-mp-canadian-government-stop-bill-c-24-don-t-turn-millions-of-us-into-second-class-canadian-citizens https://killc51.ca/
  10. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Hi All, I wrote my citizenship test today. Arrived there about 20 minutes prior to the time set. There was already a long line up. They make you all wait till close to the time you're supposed to write your test. They ask you for your PR card and your test invite right before you walk into...
  11. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    https://bccla.org/2015/06/its-official-second-class-citizenship-goes-into-effect/ Read people read
  12. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Hi all, Doign my test on June 9. Received the letter and all however, my ecas is not updated :-X
  13. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Yes I believe the Calgary office is picking up the pace and many thanks Informatics
  14. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Sorry about the confusion! I received a letter to do my test. There was no telephone involved lol and I just checked ecas and it's not updated. I recieved the letter yesterday - dated May 22 and thanks CIVIC :)
  15. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Hi Guys, Got called to write the test on June 9. I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who posted practice test websites. Will report back and let you all know how it goes. Wishing everyone good news and the best of luck.
  16. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Fret not CGYFlames. My timeline is similar to yours. I'm positive we will hear and recieve some positive news soon. Not to worry! ;)
  17. Chingas

    May2014 applicants

    Check the Calgary Citizenship Application thread. Some suprisingly are. Calgary office is stepping up their game. Very happy to see.
  18. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

  19. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    I think anyone can update the spread sheet. I've been updating mine unless I wasn't supposed to.. If so, I apologize! :-[
  20. Chingas

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Hi All, I'm new to this forum. I was in a different forum and had no idea this one existed! Lol Here's my timeline: Recieved May 22 In process July 22 Receieved AOR August 22 Received line dissapeared I think September 8 I have updated the spreadsheet as well. Now we waiitt ;)