My Wife Came To canada YEsterdayy!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.
They got her name wrong. they put her first name as her last name. Does anyone know how i can chnage that?
Does any know what is needed when at airport in canada. i would like to know so i can prepare it for my wife. if there is any forms please let me know. Also does My wife need to put my last name on the forms when she is in canada airport caz i have heard if they don't it will take long to...
I send my file may 2014. And yes it took 7 months. The mistake people make when filling there application is the make there case complex. The more extra info you provide the longer it takes. What they ask just send not anything more. Also it took me almost 8 months to put the application...
yaaaaa My wife got her passport back today with the Visa!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D. Thanks to all who helped me with my questions. I hope you guys all get your Visa's soon :D :D :D
yaaaaa My wife got her passport back today with the Visa!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D. Thanks to all who helped me with my questions. I hope you guy all get you Visa's soon Baghairrr. :D :D :D :D
hi everyone.
My wife had ppr last month and she send it on nov 12 to Visa office in Islamabad. it's been a month now and she still hasn't got her passport back. Is it normal for them to take more then a month to send her passport back in pakistan? if this was in india it take less then a week.
my wife want to the Canada office in Islamabad to asked when they put visa on passport. they said to make appointment. should she wait or should she make appointment? she send her passport on nov 12.
i got DM and PPR on same date nov 7. it was Dm and few hours later i got PPR email, I didn't see IP. I don't mind that lol. it was quick. By the way I sponsering wife from Afghanistan so i don't know if that makes difference.
No no mine was processed in india which all afghans cases are being processed if sponsered person lives afghanistan. they request her passport to be send to the nearest office which is Pakistan. india's processing time is 13month but average time is 10 months i think if you don't make mistakes...