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  1. F

    Citizenship test results, Edmonton Office

    Hi everyone, I did my test on Jan 30th and passed . Still no invitation leter for me :((( Whay should I do? I called imigration couple of times, and they told me it's in proces :( My aplication started in Nov 2012 It's single aplication .... Good luck everyone :(
  2. F

    Citizenship test results, Edmonton Office

    17 Feb 2012 test 30 jan 2014 still waiting Have no idea did judge approve it . I called today and they told me it's in the process :( I am on single , not family application. According to Immigration 3 years is the maximum time to finish process :((Hope I don't have to wait that long .. :(
  3. F

    Citizenship test results, Edmonton Office

    I finish my test on Jan 30th 2014 , still waiting :) My wife and kids went to Europe to visit family without of me:( They will be there till Aug13th and every day I pray to get this done so I can join them ! I also understand that immigration offices are super busy with all applications , and...