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    Study visa problems

    Yeah I just sent off an email for that confirmation to work off campus (which is what they told me to do). However, I should still be able to work on campus (and as I applied after June 1st, should be able to work off campus, too!), which isn't on my passport, even though the immigration officer...
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    Study visa problems

    Hello, I've run into huge problems with my study visa. I walked into immigration in Calgary on the 22nd of August and was told face to face by an immigration officer that on a study permit I could work on or off campus for 20 hours a week, as I applied for the permit after June 1st of this year...
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    Urgent! Help Needed Please!

    I'm an Australian student who is studying for four months at the university of alberta, for a geological science degree (my second to last semester - not finishing in canada) then going to work for the following three months until I return home. What visa should I get? I started filling out the...
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    Need urgent help please!

    Hey guys, I'm a third year geology student who has been accepted to the University of Alberta for fall semester 2014. I was wondering what visa to apply for, considering I'm studying for only 4 months, and am planning on working during my studies and afterwards up until april 2015). I began to...
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    3. Is it possible to enrol in a course during my stay in Canada while participating in the IEC initiative? Yes, but the course (or courses) must be completed within a six-month period. You may not sign up for a course that is part of a program lasting more than six months (such as a two-year...
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    Hey guys, so I've got a couple of questions. I'm from QLD, Australia and have been accepted at the University of Alberta, Edmonton campus for fall semester (sep3 - dec 3) Now I'm studying for under 4 months and have been told that I don't need a student visa for this, which is cool. However...