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  1. M

    Old applicant from Damascus to Warsaw

    Hi Mbastudies, Here is the time line of my file in Warsaw: File transferred to Warsaw in April 2010, Received Update request from Warsaw in August 2010, Sent my updates to Warsaw in August 2010 (I was prepared and had all the documents ready, so I sent them right away the same week). Interview...
  2. M

    Damscuse application transfer to Warsaw office in 2009 (PLease Share your exper)

    Hi all, My file was transferred to Warsaw in April 2010, Then requested update in August 2010, sent updates in Sep 2010 and still no news from them. I asked them 3 times since then and they always replied the same thing that they are processing and I should wait. I was wondering if this is normal.
  3. M

    Old applicant from Damascus to Warsaw

    Hi all, My file was transferred to Warsaw in April 2010, Then requested update in August 2010, sent updates in Sep 2010 and still no news from them. I asked them 3 times since then and they always replied the same thing that they are processing and I should wait.
  4. M

    file transfer to Warsaw office!!!

    Hi all, My file was transferred to Warsaw in April 2010, Then requested update in August 2010, sent updates in Sep 2010 and still no news from them. I asked them 3 times since then and they always replied the same thing that they are processing and I should wait.