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  1. Jonoscc

    My wife NEEDS BC Medical

    Thanks so much for all your help. My wife and I went to our MLA's office and they agreed with you that she should be eligible and they've seen people in our same situation denied for the same reason. Our MLA is going to to plead our case with the minister of health and try and get it resolved...
  2. Jonoscc

    My wife NEEDS BC Medical

    Wait what?! I sent BC MSP the "application received" letter but they told they can't do anything until I have the "in process" letter. Who do I need to fight?
  3. Jonoscc

    My wife NEEDS BC Medical

    I love that I was told that the only requirement for BC Medical is to live here for 3 months... we all know that's bullocks. We've lived here 8 months and my wife still can't get medical. I received confirmation from CIC that our PR application was received in September 2014. I feel like...
  4. Jonoscc

    Do my kids need a medical exam as well?

    I know someone will tell me to check this forum or the flippin' confusing CIC website for the answer and I have done that but cannot find one for my specific situation. This is faster I hope. I was born in Canada. My wife is a US Citizen. My kids were all born in the United States. I have...
  5. Jonoscc

    How are my little kids supposed to have a Photo ID already?

    Yes we are all in Canada already. The border made it sound easy like all I had to do was apply for certificate of citizenship for the kids. Then I find out it ain't so easy. 10 month wait and I need photo IDs somehow by going back to states for US passports.
  6. Jonoscc

    How are my little kids supposed to have a Photo ID already?

    Thanks for the replies. yeah my kids are real little so I didn't see the need for US passports when they will live in Canada the rest of their lives. ugh, why is everything so dang difficult.
  7. Jonoscc

    How are my little kids supposed to have a Photo ID already?

    Please Help. I am the father and I was born in Canada. My kids were all born in the United States. I need to apply for their Citizenship Cert but they need Photo ID and all I have for them is birth certificates. Since when do kids have Photo ID's? I can't apply for BC Medical until I get...
  8. Jonoscc

    Help, I Think I'm Screwed

    Well you'd never guess what happened... I crossed the border with my family in the mini-van and told the absolute truth. They let my wife come in and they gave her a six month visitor pass and told her to call and renew it because she'll need more time. My kids were fine of course like you said...
  9. Jonoscc

    Help, I Think I'm Screwed

    As far as I understand it. It is perfectly legal to come across the border as a visitor even if we tell them exactly what we are doing. My wife should be allowed to go there for 6 months legally and also apply to extend or renew or leave and come back for another 6 month stay. I've talked to a...
  10. Jonoscc

    Help, I Think I'm Screwed

    Wait this is a deal breaker for me. Isn't there a difference between being residing in Canada and being an official permanent resident? I thought for BC Medical coverage we just need to live there for 3 months with a BC address? Is this not true?
  11. Jonoscc

    Help, I Think I'm Screwed

    I did investigate, but not enough obviously. My employer in Canada also looked into it and we both came up with thinking it's perfectly fine for us to move to Canada and then apply for PR. My wife doesn't need to work for a few more years. Stay at home mom until the kids get older.
  12. Jonoscc

    Help, I Think I'm Screwed

    Thank you all for the replies! We will definitely go separately. Me in a moving truck, my wife and kids in a mini-van, at 2 different border crossings even. (BC has a truck crossing and a regular crossing). I believe it is too late now to apply for anything while in the states because my...
  13. Jonoscc

    Help, I Think I'm Screwed

    I was born in Canada, my wife and kids are american and we need to move to Canada at the end of the month. For some reason I was under the impression I could move my family to Canada and then begin to apply for PR. We already have a house and need to be out of our house in the states. The moving...
  14. Jonoscc

    Moving back to Canada with American Spouse

    Well crap... I think I'm screwed then. I was under the impression I could move my family to Canada and then apply for PR. we already have a house and need to be out of our house in the states. If I'm at one border crossing as a Canadian with a Uhaul truck of stuff and my american family is at...
  15. Jonoscc

    Moving back to Canada with American Spouse

    I am a Canadian Citizen and have a Canadian Passport. I've lived as a permanent resident of the United States for about 16 years now. My wife and my children are american citizens. I already have a job lined up in Canada that starts on June 1st and we already have a home lined up as well. I find...