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  1. monstergirly

    Importing a car and motorcycle into Canada

    Nuts - sorry I just realized you are coming from Germany... see this from Transport Canada: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/motorvehiclesafety/safevehicles-importation-other-than-index-446.htm The RIV website is super handy and has everything: http://www.riv.ca/
  2. monstergirly

    Paying US bills from Canada?

    I actually used mobile deposit (on iPhone) for USD deposits to the US-based account while I still needed to. I think you can also mail in deposits but that probably takes forever! My understanding is that if I took a USD check to a local branch here in Toronto they would say I would need to...
  3. monstergirly

    Paying US bills from Canada?

    I have the same TD USD account set up that you (CDNPR2014) have and the "US Bill Pay" is frustrating. You can't use the account number, etc. to set up automatic debits either. I only have one US bill left to pay and I ended up calling them and was able to pay by phone with my TD Visa debit...
  4. monstergirly

    After school child care

    I'm in the Toronto area and the public school that my 6 year old goes to has an on-site before and after school program as well as a daycare for younger kids. My younger son (who's 3) was on the waiting list for the daycare but I got a job sooner and was able to get him into a program at another...
  5. monstergirly

    My Car Import Experience & Helpful Tips I Have Learned (US ---> Can)

    Typical consistency as expected... they must leave it to the officers at each location to decide how they want to handle things. Maybe because Buffalo/Lewiston is a busy crossing they are stricter in the way they chose to enforce the rules. If you have any doubts I would consult with Volvo...
  6. monstergirly

    Landing queries

    I did it but it was before the new eTA came into effect and I'm from the U.S. - looks like he does need one. Since it's an online application I hope that means it would be fast... ;) Make sure he stresses that he is a visitor (no intention to work, etc.) and doesn't bring all or a lot of his...
  7. monstergirly

    My Car Import Experience & Helpful Tips I Have Learned (US ---> Can)

    My understanding is that it is a general rule that if a car is stolen, it would be reported within 72 hours. If you go the 72 hours without incident, you're in the clear. This has a good explanation: http://borderbee.com/blog/exporting-vehicles-from-the-u-s-to-canada-72-hours-notice You email...
  8. monstergirly

    My Car Import Experience & Helpful Tips I Have Learned (US ---> Can)

    I love it! Thanks for sharing so I know I'm not alone in my crazy export/import experience! This was mine last summer. http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/us-car-exportimport-my-experience-t329097.0.html I don't regret doing it at all. Now I have winter tires too!
  9. monstergirly

    Landing queries

    Sounds like you should wait until June to land. He can enter as a visitor when you go in March and just let them know he'll be doing his official landing as a PR in June if they ask. Hope this helps a little! The PR cards do take FOREVER... I "flag-pole" landed from the US last June after...
  10. monstergirly

    PR Card Arrival Timeline Thread Deleted?

    I got a letter today (after 3.5 months waiting) stating that my photo was rejected and I have to send new ones to Nova Scotia for processing. Awesome. I think it is because they were expired - they were taken over a year ago at this point. Could also be that the length of my face is too big. Who...
  11. monstergirly

    PR Card Arrival Timeline Thread Deleted?

    I landed at Lewiston on June 29th and I still don't have my PR card. ECAS does show that I landed and became a PR. I'm not in a huge rush because as others have said you don't really need it for most important stuff (in Ontario I didn't need it for my driver license - I have an SIN and my OHIP...
  12. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - My Experience

    The recall clearance is for the Canadian RIV import process, not the US CBP export process. When you go through the import process on the Canadian side they will give you a sheet with "next steps" instructions that tells you where to email/send the recall clearance. I had my recall info printed...
  13. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - My Experience

    Did you do your RIV checklist online? It's on there... http://www.riv.ca/USCustoms.aspx I love the RIV website.
  14. monstergirly

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Mine was stapled - I am wondering if you have to keep it there indefinitely or if you can take it out when you get your PR card... Congrats on your PR! I was thinking about doing the local office landing (I am in Toronto as well) but I read that it could take a long time for an appointment. We...
  15. monstergirly

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Congrats on landing! FYI you do not need your PR card to get your SIN - I just used my signed CoPR and passport at Service Canada and I got it right away. You can also use it to register for OHIP and start the 3 month waiting period. PR cards are taking up to 3 months to receive - I'm hoping I...
  16. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - My Experience

    I love driving so it was fine... but I had a driving buddy - my very conservative/right wing aunt. It was... interesting. She was really helpful but I try not to engage her in conversations that are too deep... Don't forget to keep your car in the US for 3 days/72 hours before export!
  17. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - My Experience

    It's all on the Service Ontario website - http://www.ontario.ca/page/exchange-out-province-drivers-licence I think it was ~C$80
  18. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - My Experience

    Apologies for the length, but I wanted to share my experience with the forum along with helpful links below. I was already in Canada as a visitor starting at the end of March, after applying outland for PR in January. My mother gave me her 2006 Honda Civic as a gift - I drove it up from Texas...
  19. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - Anyone used AESDirect themselves?

    Well... I ended up biting the bullet and spent $35 to have someone do it for me - I didn't want to risk screwing it up and raise any red flags with the CBP (which I already did - I'll post separately). I used the vendor that Amalthea mentioned below - it was easy and they had quick turnaround...
  20. monstergirly

    US Car Export/Import - Anyone used AESDirect themselves?

    Ok... so it seems like no one on here has actually used it (AESDirect). I guess when I do it I will share my experience. I'm a U.S. citizen. It was easy to get an EIN and set up the AES account. The manual didn't seem too bad to me but I am used to stuff like that!