Most probably you will be issued removal order at the airport,as you have violated residency obligation,still you can enter Canada,.The removal order can be appealed to IAD.Till your appeal is pending you can stay in Canada,with a expired PR card.
I am under appeal for Residency obligation,my appeal is pending at IAD,I am outside Canada,for the past 10 months,as my PR card is also expired ,My question is weather i am eligible for a travel document.
I am a Immigrant and have appeal to IAD ,as i did not fulfill my residency obligation.I was In sri lanka when my PR card expire,so presently I am not in Canada.So Now IAD have sent me a letter to participate in conference at assignment court through phone.At conference I will be asked the...
Thanx Leon for the advice sure I will act on what ever things you mention.
I got a question for you sorry for bothering.
What documents I need to attach when I Go for a appeal.
Well about my wife not coming to canda is because of her fathers health future sure she will join me once I get a clear status..About going in appeal what documents I need to attach.Can I apply for one year tempory PR if card expires.I'm very keen to stay in Canada.
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act SC 2002 Chapter 27 (IRPA) applies. The Permanent Resident (PR) is required to maintain his or her Residency Obligation as prescribed under Section 28
I am a landed Immigrant in April 2005 all my family left Canada and there are no more Residents of Canada.,I completed my 2 years residency period and my PR card got renewed in 2010 for the next 5 years.Now my PR card is valid till February 2015.I have been in and out of Canada for the past 4...