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  1. Splashdown21

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    Thanks to all who helped and continue to help answer questions in this confusing labyrinth of information! Got my PPR along with my Bio data and photographs on the 22nd June. MettyMyde: think about getting a UK police check done. It took me two weeks doing it online. The paperwork process to...
  2. Splashdown21

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    Hi bud-weiser, Congratulations on your PR! :D I'm about to send in the copy of my passport, the two photo's and the Bio data form. Once that gets sent back, is there an explanation as to what I have to do next or has it been posted here in the forum? I have read about people waiting weeks to...
  3. Splashdown21

    Disclosure Scotland mistake!

    For anybody considering using a 'Disclosure Scotland' form for their Police certificate-DON'T! I sent mine in as part of my original application and was asked to send it in again, only on the second request did CIC attach the link to the ACPO(Association of Chief Police Officers) which covers...
  4. Splashdown21

    54 year old applicant for Express Entry - possible?

    Hi Wanbetty, I'm 49 and the points stopped long ago for me/us but you won't be penalized, you just won't get as many points as a 25 yr old . If you have a valid job offer supported by an LMIA(this will bring you an added 600 points) then along with your level of education, you would have as...
  5. Splashdown21

    EE who waiting more than 2 months after AOR join here

    Thanks very much brunofuster, Logged in and the results are: 1, received application Jan 2nd 2, Started processing on Feb 2nd 3, Medical results have been received. Thanks again.
  6. Splashdown21

    EE who waiting more than 2 months after AOR join here

    Hi folks, Wonder if you could shed some light on the 'ECAS' thing? When I sign in to 'MyCIC and go to view my application I get a 7 line status which looks like: Application/profile status-Open Review of eligibility-Review in progress Review of Medical results-Passed Review of submitted...
  7. Splashdown21

    Those Who Had Their AOR In April And Still WaitingConnect Here And Share Details

    Trying to fathom CIC's thought process is beyond me but I look at it like this: If I get the medical school done now and nothing happens then all is good. IF something does happen, even 2 years from now, the process has already been put in the system i.e. Your daughters exist in the CIC data...
  8. Splashdown21

    Those Who Had Their AOR In April And Still WaitingConnect Here And Share Details

    Popey778, I feel for you mate, all going steady and then the roof falls in. CIC are probably asking for your daughters medicals as you are their next living relative after their Mother. If anything happens to her, the situation would probably be that your girls would come over here to live...
  9. Splashdown21

    Ainp and EE

    Thanks for clearing that up Monija. jpfyoung; The only thing you'll get 600 points for is guaranteed employment offer, supported by a letter from your Manager. Good luck with your application.
  10. Splashdown21

    Ainp and EE

    Hi waraich90/Mosaic, From the perspective of applying for both EE and AINP, I would say 'go for it!'. I applied last year in May for AINP nomination and heard back from them n March that they needed copies of my previous work permits and then they extended my WP for another year. I anticipate...
  11. Splashdown21

    English test results - never included in checklist?

    Hi Conor9900, I had 14 different groups of documents to submit and none of them included my language test. I then get a request from CIC to submit a copy of the original certificate(CELPIP) which I duly did. That was 3 weeks ago and not a peep since. I would recommend sending a copy of your...
  12. Splashdown21

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    FOR those who are trying to get bank statements merged, Bank Statements are sensitive information i don't trust uploading to online websites to merge, i have printed all statements and scanned them again as a 1 file. hope this helps. Regards. Seconded For those of you trying to create...
  13. Splashdown21

    UAE PCC.. Pls. share...

    I applied for my Certificate of Good conduct at the end of March having followed all the guidelines set out by CIC and the UAE embassy. I also confirmed everything like address to send to and preferred payment with a conversation with a splendid gentleman called Mr. Bashir. Received my...
  14. Splashdown21

    UAE PCC.. Pls. share...

    Hi pinkyshah, No expert here but when I spoke to the gentleman at Dubai Police HQ the important info they need is the passport number at the time you were there and any visa that you may have had. Sounds like you have both so l would say you have it covered! Good luck!
  15. Splashdown21

    UAE PCC.. Pls. share...

    Has anybody had any experience with sending it by courier to the UAE AND had it returned? :(
  16. Splashdown21

    UAE PCC.. Pls. share...

    The other bit of useful info was if you have a relative or friend who can go in on your behalf-it will be much quicker. :D
  17. Splashdown21

    UAE PCC.. Pls. share...

    I tried to do an online application but when I called Dubai Police to see if that was possible, they said it wasn't as I didn't have a work permit or card, only a temp work permit. Spoke to a very reasonable gentleman(Mr Basheer) who advised sending a certified cheque(or cash....!)as that would...
  18. Splashdown21

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    Congratulations mizalberta, I bet you haven't stopped smiling yet! You mention having to send in two passport photos and a Biodata form. Were the photos digital and did CIC send you the Biodata form? Thanks
  19. Splashdown21

    Express Entry, a harsh truth underneath?

    Hi JustIbrahum, I believe the answer lies in how much homework your prepared to put into finding a job. There may be people on the forum that can help you but realistically you have to get on the computer and start researching what companies employ people with your skill set, that's how I've...
  20. Splashdown21

    proof of funds

    Guys, Proof of Funds is a requirement BUT the difference lies in what constitutes a proof of fund, depending on whether you're working inside Canada or not. If you are working inside Canada, you must show your tax returns, bank statements, pay stubs, etc., but there is no requirement for...