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  1. Y

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi Jessica, Did your ever send query online? https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=hong%20kong It has been a long time since your interview. You should have received the second medical exam letter earlier.
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Dears, I got my PPR yesterday. Good luck to all of you.
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Dears, Did you ever hear that the unfinished applications will be in EOI by 1/1/2014. I am still waiting for PPR and worry about this very much. :(
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi Jessica, Immediately after you join that QQ group, you should introduce your basic immigration information and answer group owner's question, or you will be kicked out ;D
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi Jessica, If you like, you can join QQ group numbered 166167879. Most members of this group have background checks experience.
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi Jessica, Which kind of interview did you undergo? Was it a security interview?
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hong Kong
  8. Y

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi aashamsi, Thank you for this information. I wish I would have gotten PPR request. That timeline is some other's, not mine. :'( . I have been waiting for the RPRF and PPR request all along. :(
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    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Folks, How to add this following information to the left panel under my ID? Category........: PNP Visa Office......: ADVO App. Filed.......: 15-11-2012 Nomination.....: 15-10-2012 AOR Received.: 15-01-2013 File Transfer...: 15-06-2013 Med's Request: 15-07-2013 Med's Done....: 15-09-2013...
  10. Y

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi folks, I am under this program too. The progress is as follows: AR: 1/24/2013 IP: 8/19/2013 ME: 8/29/2013 MER: 10/3/2013 RPRF and PPR: ???????????????????????? I was told under background checks in a reply mail on 10/16/2013. Was told my case is pending officer's review on 2/18/2014...