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    FedEx delivered to 2303 STEVENAGE OTTAWA, ON K1G5B3

    That is awesome. Thank you so much. Didn't know that they are on social media as well.
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    FedEx delivered to 2303 STEVENAGE OTTAWA, ON K1G5B3

    Thank you so much. That's really reassuring. Let's see what happens to our application.
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    FedEx delivered to 2303 STEVENAGE OTTAWA, ON K1G5B3

    Hey, I just found this post through google. I sent in my family sponsorship application via UPS to the instructed PO BOX and was also told by UPS that it was sent to this Stevenage address. They said it was a business address but won't disclose which business it was. Do you guys get a contact...
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    Received PNP certificate today! Can I apply for spouse open work permit?

    Hi, We just received our PNP certificate today! Thanks for all the people helping before. We submitted our application in mid-March. Now we are considering getting an open work permit for my wife, who is stduying in the US but currently in Toronto for the summer. Do we need to apply for the...
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    Can I apply for Spouse OWP and PNP at the same time?

    Hi all, So my gf and I have decided to get married soon, after which I will add her to my PNP application which was submitted a few days ago. In the meanwhile, we are wondering if it would be possible to apply for Open Work Permit for her while we wait for PNP and PR. She's a student in the US...
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Thank you, SaiSivaRam. I think that's what I am going to do. Get nomination myself first and then apply for PR with my spouse or add her later during PR review. Thank you for your input!
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Just one more question: does family member (spouse) need IELTS test for PNP nomination? I tried to find information regarding this with no success. If not, is her IELTS test required for PR application once PNP has been approved? Thank you so much.
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Thank you, akapoor. Any chance that this will lower my candidacy for PNP nomination as you may know?
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Hi akapoor, thank you for your reply. The reason we are not getting married before PNP is that there are a lot to prepare for marriage. I haven't even bought the ring yet :( also, my gf hasn't taken IELTS so if we want to apply for PNP together, I'd say we need another 2-3 months at least. but...
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Thanks, taurus. Are you saying that if I add my spouse during PR review, my spouse will be reviewed for PR as well even if she wasn't nominated for PNP? If so, I would definitely consider this route if it does not lower our chance of getting PR.
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Thank you so much, taurus. In your method, when I add my spouse to my file, would she be automatically considered for PR or open work permit? or by adding my spouse to my file, CIC will only update that I have a spouse and thus then we could apply for her open work permit while my PR is in process?
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    O-PNP applicant - best time for marriage? Please help!

    Hi all, I'm quite new to this forum but I would really appreciate your advice on my particular problem. I just finished my Master degree in Ontario and am ready to apply for PNP. I currently hold a 3-yr post-grad work permit and I have permanent full time employment in my area of study. My...