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  1. J

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    I also received my passport request today. Please update the spreadsheet, thanks. My question is how long do they need my passport..as i may have to do some biz trips out of Canada. Thanks JC
  2. J

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    Does CIC send out confirmation mails when they receive additional documents that they requested? I received Police certificate request, so i applied to police station in my home country. The original certificate was sent by registered mail on 19th March, but haven't received any confirmation...
  3. J

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    Jul-25 Application delivered Sep-25 AOR received March-4 Original PCC request/MR Cheers
  4. J

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    Hi, Thanks, I just received my MR.
  5. J

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    I am July 25th applicant. I received an email this morning requesting me to submit original PCC that i missed in my original application. Does it mean that they won't proceed my application until they receive the original PCC? So i shouldn't expect to receive a MR in near term? Thanks
  6. J

    Police Clearance Check

    I submitted my CEC application with an old PCC (issued in end of 2011 before I entered Canada on work permit in early 2012 ). I've been staying in Canada since then. After my application, i totally forgot to get a new Police Clearance Check in my home country until days ago an email from CIC...