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Search results

  1. T

    Family information form - IM5645E

    I am inviting my parents to visit me in Toronto. My father's sister is in Canada right now on a PR. In family information form, my father needs to give details of his siblings (DOB, address, accompanying you to Canada). Shall he put Y/N in the "accompanying you to Canada" section for his sister...
  2. T

    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    I was in India for more than 6 months in the last one year. Hence I was asked. So if you were not in one of the countries which require medical for MORE THAN 6 MONTHS in the last 1 year, you need not worry
  3. T

    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    I applied online and yes I am in the US at present
  4. T

    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    I have been following this forum for a month and today on receiving my approval I have created an account just to post my status so that it helps you all the way it has helped me in the last one month of gruelling wait Application Type : ICT - Online Date: 21st Oct,2013 Request for...