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  1. man_80_n

    Thread for MARCH 2010 applicants!

    Heatherusa--no, I have not yet received my PP request. Our file was transferred to Buffalo just a couple of weeks ago. Plus on top of that we have to go through Quebec's confirmation. I'm anticipating that Buffalo will begin work on our file in ... well, I really have no idea. I'm hoping for...
  2. man_80_n

    Thread for MARCH 2010 applicants!

    Thanks a ton for the info, abedelia. Our situations are quite similar. Freaky! Can_80_n is, like your husband, a dual US/Canadian citizen. She's been in the US about eleven years, so we should not have to pay duty, etc. on our (I mean "her") possessions. (We would owe duty on items worth over...
  3. man_80_n

    Thread for MARCH 2010 applicants!

    Hi abedelia, man_80_n here (can_80_n's husband). If I'm reading your posts correctly you're already in Montreal--I'm wondering if I can ask you a few questions about your crossing. Can_80_n and I are hitting the road in about ten days (moving to Quebec City). I don't yet have my PR visa. I will...