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  1. anne_dsaint

    May 2014 Test Takers

    Congratulations, Jeleni!!! I'm so thrilled for you!!! ;D ;D ;D So there won't be any oath ceremony on Canada day in Surrey, eh? I hope we'll get our invites soon too!
  2. anne_dsaint

    Surrey, BC citizenship application, need some help.thx

    it'll be a long wait.. but just to give you an idea of our timelines, see the link below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiV2llr71HikdDV3bmtyQ0ZiWUwzOXhEX3lTRG5qdUE&usp=drive_web#gid=3
  3. anne_dsaint

    May 2014 Test Takers

    Does anyone have an update???
  4. anne_dsaint

    May 2014 Test Takers

    uh oh, there is no Canada Day Citizenship Ceremony schedule in Surrey :'( http://www.cic.gc.ca/citcer/search-recherche-eng.aspx
  5. anne_dsaint

    May 2014 Test Takers

    It would be great if we have our Oath sked on Canada Day! :D :D :D
  6. anne_dsaint

    Surrey BC local office

    You could check our timelines here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiV2llr71HikdDV3bmtyQ0ZiWUwzOXhEX3lTRG5qdUE&usp=drive_web#gid=3
  7. anne_dsaint

    May 2014 Test Takers

    Hi Jeleni, Any update on your oath invite? I did my test in Surrey too on May 21. Thanks, Anne
  8. anne_dsaint

    CBSA authorization required during interview --should I be worried?

    We were interviewed individually
  9. anne_dsaint

    CBSA authorization required during interview --should I be worried?

    Hi Daktrader, thank you for your reply. Do you know if it will prolong my timeline?
  10. anne_dsaint

    CBSA authorization required during interview --should I be worried?

    I had my test and interview yesterday at Surrey, B.C. During the interview phase, I was asked to sign a form to authorize CIC to request a CBSA report and verify my border entries ---should I be worried? Do anybody have the same experience? How long will it usually take to get an oath invite...
  11. anne_dsaint

    Interview after the test

    I asked because we only have one set of original documents which they require. Do we need to bring our minor child during interview?
  12. anne_dsaint

    Interview after the test

    Thanks, Intel! ;)
  13. anne_dsaint

    Interview after the test

    Since we lodged a family application, will they interview all of us at once or would it be individually?
  14. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    After 21 months, we finally have an exam sked on the 21st of May!!! whew
  15. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    I called and our app is still pending, no test invites yet for us :'( They have until April 11 to send us those invites... at least a little more waiting, if indeed what the agent said is true! Did your ECAS online status change? So thrilled for you!
  16. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    That's great news!!!!!!!! I wish we'll get our invites soon too :D
  17. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    Did you call CIC to get the latest update on your app? I was told to expect an invite by the end of the month. Nope, no RQ for us.
  18. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    Did you lodge a single application or family? Ours is family, prolly why its taking tooooooo long :-\
  19. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    no update yet :'(
  20. anne_dsaint

    Surrey CIC Timeline

    Hi Larsson, We have the same timeline.. applied on Aug 2012 and in process status on Dec 2012.. Still waiting for a test date..... Let us keep each other posted. Anne