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    2018PGP - no AOR/ecase status after 2 weeks

    Just an update: got AOR today in email. (Application received in ottawa on Apr 19.)
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    2018PGP - no AOR/ecase status after 2 weeks

    Anyone has received AOR recently? I didnt. Instead, i got an email from them reminding me to send the application by deadline.
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    2018PGP - no AOR/ecase status after 2 weeks

    Thanks Can_loves_Aus! Is yours spouse program or parents program? I think the timeline is different.
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    2018PGP - no AOR/ecase status after 2 weeks

    Thanks, Vivian. Is that for 2018 round? I've done some digging and it looked that it took weeks to receive AOR for 2017 round but much faster for the 2018 round. I saw people who applied for 2018 round reporting that they got AOR in about a week and were able to check the ecase pretty much...
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    2018PGP - no AOR/ecase status after 2 weeks

    HI guys, How long does it take to receive AOR/be able to track the case status using the online CAS tool? My application was delivered to Ottawa on Apr 19 but still nothing. Thanks!
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    HI all, Looks like my passport is on its way back! One question here: people mentioned that they received an "email confirmation" or "email approval letter" some time after sending the passport to NY and receiving the passport back. i haven't received any email except for the one requesting...
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    thanks Shku_2704! I will just wait then...
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    Finally got the passport request. submitted through online system on Aug 20th... One question, i've read that it's possible to submit a form for urgent process. Can anyone kindly advise me where i can find the form online? (I live in california so can't submit in person.) Really appreciate...
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    wow, congrats, sampcanada! (May I ask whether you submit by yourself or through employer?) I applied on Aug 20th online by myself, but still haven't heard anything...
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    Guys, really bad news for people waiting for their work permits... Here is the response to my request on Dec 9. (Received Dec 11) All applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received. An exact schedule of completion is not available at this time as our processing time is a...
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    I sent in a request yesterday. no response yet. Will post once i get an update. Best, Olivia
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    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    HI Sampcanada et al, I applied online on Aug 20th. Still no news yet... And my new job starts Jan 2nd... btw, how to submit an enquiry? I tried the link on cic website and it said work permit application couldn't not be tracked online... Thanks! olivia