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  1. Canhun


    Tom, Great post and a wonderful reminder - for Canadians too :) What you said was sooo similar to my immigration 'mantra' that I would repeat whenever I got frustrated. "The case is now out of my control, worrying & stressing will not make it go faster" I think that was the hardest part for...
  2. Canhun


    Muby - CONGRATULATIONS!! I was smiling so much when I read your message. Yes I agree with you that good people are working at Vienna, there is just too much work and not enough people! When will you arrive? Tom - I too don't know what to make of your coorespondance. My heart broke a little...
  3. Canhun


    Thanks everyone for the warm wishes :-*. Apparently the mailman in Hungary got confused and sent back our correspondence from Vienna to Vienna. LOL. It would be strange if things started to go smoothly now hahahaha. BUT! Vienna e-mailed us saying ooops, our APPROVED PR was sent back and...
  4. Canhun


    Thanks! No interview, so hopefully it's a pass.
  5. Canhun


  6. Canhun


    It looks like we might have good news. I just checked our ecas and it says they have made a decision! They will contact Tamas shortly. Wow! Hungary, hang in there! I too don't think you should put this on pause because the wait times might even get longer in the future. Just keep strong and...
  7. Canhun


    No, We only had one hold up where they lost the birth certificate and we had to get a replacement. My estimate is that it set us back 2 months. Otherwise I have inquired twice now with our MP and they say our file is normal, just that background verification takes a long time. They actually...
  8. Canhun


    Hi Muby, Vienna has had it since July 26th/2012 >:( Sarah
  9. Canhun


    Hello Everyone, I am sad to see that the processing time increased, but at least it's a more realistic picture now. When we applied it was around 8 months and we are 16 months and waiting...it gave us false hope and quite honestly, we would have planned differently if we knew the actual...
  10. Canhun


    Szia! Don't give up hope, you might be somewhat of an exception. Although we have been waiting since July 2012, we don't have any dependants, they lost a birth certificate and then got our email address wrong to notify us, and Tamas has worked in the foreign service while living in 3 different...
  11. Canhun


    Great news! It's wonderful to hear people are finally making it here :D
  12. Canhun


    Me! July 23rd to be exact
  13. Canhun


    Hi Avissa, They have been in contact with my husband quite steadily over the past week, and even confirmed receiving info from us, we used to have to pull teeth to get simple confirmations like that in the past. I hope all of our complaints will help future cases :)
  14. Canhun


    Dear Tom, What a beautiful baby girl! She is precious and soo sweet and I love the flag. Thank you for sharing your pics, maybe we can start a thread of Vienna babies and see what happens with everyone here years from now :) Sarah
  15. Canhun


    That is absolutely terrible! I feel so bad for you. We had a delay with Vienna losing a birth certificate, and then e-mailing the wrong e-mail address but I don't think it set us back quite as much. Our dates (before our screw ups) are the exact same. CIC processed my sponsorship on July...
  16. Canhun


    Hi KKMoe! Here is brief outline: July 23rd, 2012 Vienna received application Sept 20th, 2012 Vienna started processing Dec 18th, 2012 Received a letter saying Birth Certificate was missing and to submit it by November 30th or re-start our application (got that sorted out thank goodness, they...
  17. Canhun


    Hi Hungary, What small town are you in? I know the feeling you are talking about when we travelled the countryside and stayed with some of Tamas's relatives in small towns, the entire town was looking and talking about the "American girl" (I gave up explaing the difference between Canadian and...
  18. Canhun


    Hi Nada, I did find it really helpful going to my MP, he put in a request for a case update as soon as we hit the "average processing" time on the website. They did tell him more than they have ever told us, such as it was approved in principal and just waiting on background. The second time...
  19. Canhun


    We received some news today after no updates from Vienna since spring of this year. They emailed my husband saying that background verification is finished.....finally! But they need him to re submit the schedule with only questions 8 &12 filled out (where you have lived the past 10 years and...
  20. Canhun


    Oh Hungary, I know how you feel. This entire process is such an emotional roller coaster. You hit a high when you get any type of communication from Vienna and then back down to low. Once you get through it, your marriage will be stronger than anything. :)