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  1. R

    newbie need help

    I would rather suggest you not to mention anything since both the fields are different and this shows lack of proper direction. All you can do is convince the VO in your application that you were preparing yourself for further studies and brushing up your fundamentals. Looking at your % you can...
  2. R

    Visa refusal under "Other Reasons" for May 2014 intake.

    Apply for CAIPs to get details about rejection. As far as i judge, ur undergrad grades are v low. 46% is not ideal to get admitted. It has to be atleast 55% or 60%. Secondly, i can see u have worked for 6 yrs straight. After working this much, the VO expects u to have better command over...
  3. R

    those who have filed visa on 27 march n got the visa today

    Re: Delay my student visa please guide me Here's another link for the same topic. Try to find out the truth.. if it's inordinate delay, u must check the genuinity of college n d consultant... http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/-t184326.0.html
  4. R

    those who have filed visa on 27 march n got the visa today

    Re: Delay my student visa please guide me I feel really sorry for u man.. dont know if that earlier post is genuine or not. pls. check for urself also.. refer this link.. http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/-t175251.0.html
  5. R

    Bank Statement reqired for Indian student for Humber

    Typing mystake.. everyone here knows the GIC amount.
  6. R

    university of windsor- Master of management September'14 intake pls. post here

    Can u pls. share ur profile? how much is the fees mentioned in windsor's offer letter? I have received offer from windsor MOM- Manufacturing management. But they have given me 2 undergraduate courses as a condition since iam from engineering background. But i have 4 yrs related work ex related...
  7. R

    university of windsor- Master of management September'14 intake pls. post here

    I would suggest go for Brock rather. Reason being windsor wont provide much job opportunities while being on campus. Its a city far from main cities like toronto and finding a part time job could be a problem. some find in 3-4 mnths. Its all on ur networking. Brock is ok n Only advantage is the...
  8. R

    My life is almost ruined, please help me

    Try transferring ur credits to another university with the same program and finish rest of ur subjects. I really dont know if this will work at this stage, but it's just a suggestion. Try to find other ways out too. It can't be possible that uni will throw you out like this.
  9. R

    Bank Statement reqired for Indian student for Humber

    U need to pay 1 term or 1 year tuition fees & show GIC worth 1000CAD along with the tuition fee receipt. No other requirement for proof of funds. BTW, when did u apply n when u received ur offer letter?
  10. R

    I got my visa 04-04-14

    Congo for ur visa.. Who can be an ideal sponsor for our studies? Is it possible for a best friend to be the one?
  11. R

    University of Guelph Candidates

    This wait is crap.. It can't b so long...
  12. R

    got the visa for may 14 intake

    congrats.. which course are u going for?
  13. R

    Chances of Getting into Dalhousie, Saskatchewan, UNB and Concordia??

    Yes! I too spoke to the university guys and also got a mail that they are still accepting applications for fall'14. May 30 is the last date to apply. They take approx. 60-70 days for making decision. Apply as soon as possible. Even iam applying tomorrow or may be day after..
  14. R

    any idea about universities with deadlines till may?

    So as uni. of new brusnwick...
  15. R


    Any one applied to Uni. of NewBrunswick for M.Eng? I am yet to apply for fall intake for Chemical Engg. 8) Have checked with uni, applicaiton dead line is till 30thMay..
  16. R

    university of windsor seniors.. pls. join for guidance

    Hi! This topic is to invite all the seniors presently studying @ uni. of windsor. Most of people on this forum have some doubts about windsor. It would be great if u, seniors, can help us out. How's the university and how's the scene for part time jobs? Have heard v few jobs there, but still...
  17. R


    Dude! 3 n half mnths is like a big time... Nyways, congrats n all d best for ur visa.. I am also waiting for getting admitted to MOM- manufacturing management program. I applied on 13th Dec'13, docs reached them on 25th Jan'14. No decision yet.. @Mizan: Bro, they really are too slow buddy...
  18. R

    Students from India for (sep. 2014) intake ...plz share

    Thats good. How much time did it take you to get your offer letter from seneca? did u apply thru any consultant?
  19. R

    Online Application for Canada Student Visa Processing time

    ATB buddy... pls. share ur profile.
  20. R

    Anyone who got visa after getting rejected because of document authenticity?????

    Can u explain what 1st point of rejection mean? "documentation lacks authenticity?" Is it like name mentioned on different documents differing in anyway or have u submitted documents to claim any sort of work ex or so which u actually dont possess?