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  1. V

    CEC - August 2014 application

    almost done now... my timeline: 25. AUG 2014 - application sent 28. AUG 2014 - application delivered 04. NOV 2014 - credit card charged 07. JAN 2015 - AOR received 08. JUN 2015 - request for information 25. FEB 2016 - request for medical exam 15. MAR 2016 - medical results received 20. APR 2016...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    i applied for BOWP in april as mentioned. haven't gotten any results back yet
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    i was hoping to get feedback on the specific questions that i had asked (on april 13th) but i get the joke if it was meant as one ;) why i am concerned is simple - my job. my employer needs me and i need to keep the job. my work permit and the LMO have expired as indicated in my first post and...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    @Kota1978 are you implying that all the options i mentioned won't work? i don't think booking a flight now would be smart, i can do that any time so not sure what to take from your post... @CEC2013RAY when i applied for CEC the EE was not available yet. and let's just say my employer can't get...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    hey, any advice for the worst case scenario anyone? just want to make sure there is a plan B at least. of course i am hoping to not have to go down that route but you never know... cheers
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    great, appreciate all the advice. my application was delivered a day before my work permit expired. i now hope for a positive response. worst case scenario is they refuse the extension and i loose my "implied status", how long do i have to leave canada and what are my options in terms of...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    thanks for all the feedback guys. i will leave out the 'no objection letter' for this application. got one more question about #3 on the IMM5710E form on which one of those to pick: 1. a work permit with the same employer 2. an initial work permit or a work permit with a new employer 3...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    never heard of that, thanks for letting me know. can you lead me to a website with more information or explain with a bit more detail why that is neccessary? i have not seen such requiremenr in the document checklist even though it sounds very serious and important. thanks again! ps. happy...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    great, thanks for your input! should i add my current employer's information and a letter stating that my contract will be extended past the LMO duration? my last entry into canada was when i left to the US for a trip. before that was when i got my current work permit issued. which one of...
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    CEC Application in Process, LMO/WP about to expire... :-/

    hi folks! hoping for some input on what i can do. here are the basiscs of my current status... - working legally based on a positive LMO (2 years) - LMO about to expire this month - applied for CEC last year, application is in process (AOR received in 3 months ago) - looking to get implied...
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    the police record can not be older than 3 months? does that apply for every country? i've been in canada for a while now, it would actually make more sense to get a criminal check from here instead from back home. can somebody shed some light on this? another question regarding the CEC: i know...
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    @SenoritaBella thanks for the recap! can you elaborate on this? i applied for "A work permit with the same employer" BEFORE my old WP expired. i did not check the box that said "Restoration of temporary resident status as a worker" - was this incorrect?
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    i've read that the CIC hotline is not reliable in regards of bullet proof information but i called them anyways. the information i got sounded reasonable/realistic: like i thought i have 90 days after the original permit expiry date to restore my status (as a visitor in this case). it might...
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    thanks for the info, i haven't had time to look into the CEC process in detail yet, i just made sure i qualify. i was planning on spending this weekend on getting as much paperwork prepared as possible. any links to how-to guides would be appreciated! i might be misunderstanding something in...
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    thanks guys. so i can wait and buy time that way? it won't have a negative impact later letting my status expire + restore it as a visitor?
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    @InfoSeeker12 thanks for the support, it's much appreciated. i'm 99% sure my first question is answered with "extension of my temporary resident status". not sure about the status answer and the "beyond the validity of your status" issue quite yet. by waiting another 2 months i can definitely...
  17. V

    Lawyer vs yourself

    i can 2nd the comment that lawyer's make mistakes too. and sometimes those mistakes ruin everything for you. i will not hire an immigration lawyer again if i don't have to. ever.
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    i just thought of another question: do i have to check "have you ever remained beyond the validity of your status [...]"? i'm under implied status now, i consider that valid so i would not check the above. please advise! edit: let me add this quote that i just found in an older topic in this...
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    okay, let's say 30hrs/week is roughly 1500hrs/year and 40hrs/week is roughly 2000hrs/year. i might not have worked non-stop 12 months in a row but i'm certainly above 1500hrs/year full-time, not counting any overtime but taking the off-time in between employers into conisderation. am i going to...
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    Lawyer Failure and Hitting Walls... (CEC + PR)

    @Leon thanks, makes sense. how many hours do they require to consider it 12 months? i worked 40hr weeks so i might be okay, just wondering if it will add up to their minimum.