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  1. F

    Landing in Toronto April'16

    Thanks for sharing the info caba4blue...cud u also provide some insights on present job scenario, survival jobs etc. If u don't mind my asking, which industry do u work in?
  2. F

    Landing in Toronto April'16

    Hi all, I am landing in Toronto this April. I completed my landing formalities last year. I invite all those who are planning to move to Toronto or nearby as well as people who are already there to network through this thread.
  3. F

    People moving to Toronto 2014

    has anybody here managed to secure a job/internship before landing? I know its tall order but still I'll be trying and any guidance would be helpful...
  4. F

    People moving to Toronto 2014

    wish your movement and settlement goes smoothly...shall be landing later in the year... tc
  5. F

    People moving to Toronto 2014

    That's great...lets to that. u can PM me anytime. Have u decided on dates, locality, accommodation etc? I am myself looking to land in the second half of Dec..
  6. F

    People moving to Toronto 2014

    thnx & all the best for ur visa... I have thought about Vancouver a lot and kinda like whatever I have read or heard about it but the thing is I don't know ppl there and am not sure if there are many jobs in financial sector there. Also, I have heard its quite an expensive place...so Toronto...
  7. F

    People moving to Toronto 2014

    Hi guys, Have finally received the visa and am planning to land in Toronto somewhere in late December...Though I know its not the best of times to land there with weather being a bit chilly and all ;) ;) ;)but will take that much time to put everything in place to move there.... Anyways, I...