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  1. C

    All AORs received in April 2015, lets connect here and share updates & timelines

    How many days did you have wait before CIC replied to your CSE? I submitted a CSE ~1 month ago and still waiting for a reply.
  2. C

    Is Police clearance receipt accepted by CIC

    This link will help, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/intro.asp
  3. C

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    Thank you. Did you get any confirmation email when you submitted the CSE? I have submitted one CSE but did not any confirmation email.
  4. C

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    How long did it take for CIC to reply to your case specific enquiry?
  5. C

    Express Entry applicants who received AOR connect here

    Were you able to make the change in your submitted application? Please let me know what you did to make the change and how long long it took. Thanks
  6. C

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!! Changing information after EE application was submitted

    Just found out that we we can view the information submitted before the ITA i.e actual the express entry profile and not the e-APR. My EE profile has the ECA info in it but the e-APR does not. I guess the info did not get transferred correctly and I did not review the my application properly...
  7. C

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!! Changing information after EE application was submitted

    I submitted my Express Entry application today morning and was going through the forms again after submission. The answer to the following question Was XXXX awarded a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate for this period of study? >>> was Changed to >>> YES I am 100% sure that when I...
  8. C

    Is Police clearance receipt accepted by CIC

    I'm in the same situation. One of my PC's was issued in Jan'15 and it crossed the 3 month mark early this week. I have applied for a new one and submitting the receipt and a letter of explanation with the old one. Apparently the old PCC is good for 1year if you have not revisited the country...
  9. C

    Police clearance certificate?express entry

    Hello Everyone, I finally got all my documents together and am ready to submit my express entry application. I just realized that one of my police certificates is 92 days old. I know that CIC wants PC's which were issued in the last 3 months (90 Days). Should I just go ahead and submit my...
  10. C

    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    ICT submitted to NYC. Hope that helps. I'm currently based in US.
  11. C

    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    My employer hired a lawyer to file the application. It was submitted online on August 7th. Does anyone have an idea how long it takes for the VAC to return the passport?
  12. C

    Work Permit Applications at NYC for 2013

    Hello everyone, I mailed my passport to the NYC office on tuesday and as per USPS they received it on Wednesday. Does anyone know how long it takes for the NYC consulate to stamp the visa and return the passport? I have also sent the pre-paid return envolope. My current employer in US filed...
  13. C

    Processing time in New York consulate

    Hello, Has anyone applied to the New York Consulate for temp work visa? I submitted the online application on Aug 7th. Now news yet? Please let me know if anyone has appllied for temp work permit in NY consulate in past few months and has received the Visa or waiting for it. Just want to know...