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  1. P

    Help - Parent Sponsorship - Where to pay $490 RPRF (Right of PR fee)?

    Thanks for the response, yet even following that step, I ended up at the same screen. Yet Immigration Canada, on querying, have recently informed me of the following link which has allowed me to effect payment. https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/order.do?category=8 In case anyone else faced the...
  2. P

    Help - Parent Sponsorship - Where to pay $490 RPRF (Right of PR fee)?

    Hi, I am sponsoring my parent. The medical & Police Clearences are done, & I have been asked to pay $490 as RPRF (Right of Permanent Residence Fee). I had paid $550 (Processing Fee) at the outset, so only owe this $490 now. How to pay it? They gave me a link...
  3. P

    Parent sponsorship - For 4 Jan 2016 - Date of signature?

    Hi, I am sponsoring my parents, & will submit the Forms on 4 Jan 2016. What date should I use on the signature box? Is it ok if I get them to sign & date now? Or do the CRA prefer signatures closer to the date? In which case I will tell them to sign & date 15 days later & then...
  4. P

    Parent sponsorship - 5,000 limit - 1.Time 2. How to get application in on 4 Jan

    Wrt sponsoring Parents for PR under the 5,000 cap : (a) How long it takes to process, from application to grant? The stats on the sites relate times for application under the old system (i.e. from country of application). But here, the application is made directly to Missisauga. I read...
  5. P

    Parents sponsorship - For PR - 5,000 a year

    Thanks Screech & Scylla, that was very helpful. And loved the Albanian Double Headed Eagle & Greek mythological reference (Scylla & Charibdis).
  6. P

    Parents sponsorship - For PR - 5,000 a year

    Thank you everyone for your kind responses. One further query. How will I know whether my parent's application has been accepted as one of the lucky 5,000? Do they send an AOR (acknowledgement of receipt)? If so, how long after 4 Jan 2015 do they send it?
  7. P

    Parents sponsorship - For PR - 5,000 a year

    I understand they have restarted the parent sponsorship for PR program, capped at 5,000 a year. 1. Is this so? So will they allow 5,000 for 2016 applications as well? 2. How do they determine the cap? Is it first come first serve? So those who send the application closest to 2 Jan 2016 stand a...
  8. P


    I got a SuperVisa for my mother 3 years ago. All the medicals etc were done then. My mother could not come then, and is planning to visit now for 2 years. Q1 - Does she need a new medical? Q2 - If so, how can she arrange it? Can she just contact the Panel Doctor who did her medical when she...
  9. P

    Applying for Canadian Citisenship from abroad

    Thanks all for the good replies. Based on these, I will take my decision if the following 2 are clarified: 1. I thought 4/6 yr rule is in force. EILEEN above says it isn't, & indeed CIC still shows 3/4 yr rule. Can others confirm Eileen's statement (sorry Eileen, not doubting you, yet just...
  10. P

    Applying for Canadian Citisenship from abroad

    Thanks all (especially eileenf for the 183 day rule) Can applications be made from abroad? Yes, I know they can & 2 immigration consultants have confirmed this. I meet the timing conditions. I've been here from late 2010, out only 2 months. So I meet (i) the 2/5 rule, (ii) 3/4 rule, & (c) at...
  11. P

    Applying for Canadian Citisenship from abroad

    I will apply for Canadian citizenship from abroad for certain reasons. My understanding is I need to meet the following conditions : (A) At the time of application : 1. I have lived in 2 of 5 years in Canada 2. In the last 6 years, I have for at least 4 years lived in Canada for at least...
  12. P

    Applying for citizenship from outside Canada

    Many thanks for the kind replies everyone. Wrt the 2 key points raised : 1. Yes, I will meet the 3 of 4 year rule. I have lived in Canada for full 2011, 2012 & 2013 (will do). So : - if I apply on 5 Jan 2014, I meet it (last 3 years). - I also meet it if I apply on 5 Jan 2015 (3 of 4...
  13. P

    Applying for citizenship from outside Canada

    QUESTION Can I apply for Canadian citizenship outside Canada? I meet (a) citizenship (3 of last 4 years as PR) & (b) PR requirements (at least 2 of last 5 years as PR). DETAILS I can apply for citizenship on 1 Jan 2014, as I complete 3 years as Canadian PR (2011, 2012 & 2013). I've been given...